CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

<< < (19/21) > >>

....Wtf? Why is there Kuro-past? Where is Tokyo? and WHY do those little freaky things look like bloody OOMPAH LOOMPAS? DX
;_; I want a new animator...

...Well, here's the real 16 raw. *shrugs* I'm downloading, since I really have nothing better to do today. ^^;

Sailor Yue-chan:
i watched the preivewi...i tranlstted the titmles on the stie using animelabs...i may simply end up stopping watching the anime >_<

Watched the episode. >< Well, at least there was plot development. Animation... wasn't as bad as it has been in other episodes. Which isn't saying much. Show contentSyaoran going psycho clone was fairly well done, but it could have been better. >< And Fai's magic could have been prettier. xd But at least we got to see another flash of Sai and Kaede- CLAMP really needs to have more shoujo-ai. xd The preview for next episode- why exactly are we going back into Kurogane's memories again? So random. And they're going to make up more crap that never happened in the manga. Hope they don't dig themsevles into another hole, since I'm in a benevolent mood.

Sailor Yue-chan:
is the ep even worth watching? :shifty:


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