CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 15: The Library's Secret

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--- Quote from: Super Sailor Yue on August 27 2006, 10:06 am ---is the ep even worth watching? :shifty:

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I wouldn't bother.
Show contentThey made Fai's magic so anti-climactic.

Also, Mokona did manage to transport them... back to Lecourt. They left the library and were transported to a different area of Lecourt (remember that restaurant they ate at? ourside of there). Instead of it being all dramatic and Mokona transporting them to Tokyo in order to escape, they ended up just outside of the library. *sigh*

They're just screwing up so much.

i know it is hard to see some Kurotomoyo episodes,but don't forget that after the FaiChii episode there was some kuroFai hints,so we can hope that beetrain will again change his road  :keke:

and i don't think we need to worry too much about Tokyo arc,Beetrain is definitely delayed it in purpose,because it is one of the most important storyline in the serie,the crossway of every characters fate,and a touching ciffhanger :surprised:.
it is the beginnig of a new adventure,so Beetrain can't introduce this arc abruptly,they need to make a break...and so i think that Tokyo arc won't be revealed until season three  :sweatdrop:

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: mela on August 27 2006, 10:48 am ---I wouldn't bother.
Show contentThey made Fai's magic so anti-climactic.

Also, Mokona did manage to transport them... back to Lecourt. They left the library and were transported to a different area of Lecourt (remember that restaurant they ate at? ourside of there). Instead of it being all dramatic and Mokona transporting them to Tokyo in order to escape, they ended up just outside of the library. *sigh*

They're just screwing up so much.
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--- Quote ---i know it is hard to see some Kurotomoyo episodes,but don't forget that after the FaiChii episode there was some kuroFai hints,so we can hope that beetrain will again change his road  keke
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true, but they were also in the same time line in the fai chi ep

--- Quote ---and i don't think we need to worry too much about Tokyo arc,Beetrain is definitely delayed it in purpose,because it is one of the most important storyline in the serie,the crossway of every characters fate,and a touching ciffhanger Surprised.
it is the beginnig of a new adventure,so Beetrain can't introduce this arc abruptly,they need to make a break...and so i think that Tokyo arc won't be revealed until season three
--- End quote ---
yes, but that toaly ruins everything. theyve already ruined the TONE of how they leave lecourt. fai was suposed to use his magic to protect them from the worl's protective magic...not do whattever it does in this episode.

also, was it jsut me, or did i see cereberus in the previow?

Don't give up on the Anime yet, or else we wont get fan made music videos....
The anime isn't that bad, yes it could have faster animation, cleaner for that matter, more blood and what not, but at least don't give up on it, think of it as Weiss Kreuz, bad animation, plot holes riddled the whole thing, and had some legal issues to deal with when it came to Gluhen, the only reason why it had fans was because people loved the voices, which one voice is now in Tsubasa, Shinichiro Miki  who plays as Touya, which in CCS Touya was played by Tomokazu Seki, both are from Weiss, so think about it, what makes the Anime the anime in the voices, and the flashy pictures from time to time.
Besides, Daisuke Namikawa has a very nice voice, and Tetsu Inada is very cool, besides its the voice that makes the anime, so don't give up on the voices....

aka, so this is perty much a crack a$$ thing at a rant not to give up the anime....but then again we do have the drama CDs

Sailor Yue-chan:
lemon tea chronicles for all 3 eps of lecourt is out

(not counting ep 43 as a lecourt ep )


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