interesting ep
it was pretty good
im SO glad they keopt in the Kuro LOOKS. it had cool new music, Instrumental; dreamscape and that cool song that played when syao and kuro fought the sentinals.
i thought that the kuro-glowy eyes paertst were really wierd. and what was UP with him wisperong in mokona's ear
the only bad parts of the ep is that 1 kuro and syao idnt talk about the bat symbol, but it looks to me like that will e in the NEXT ep. (theyre spending the whole ep in memory-clow? looking thru syao's house!???)
and they also left out a VERY important secene. the syao-nightmare. that is a VERY important set up for what happenes to syao later on!!!
PS i simply LOVED it when fai whislted for the first time and tried to tell kuro the good news...when kuro;s busdy fighting a monster XDDD