CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Who you think Sakura should be with?

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--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 16 2006, 01:08 am ---yes,but we have to read beyond Yuuko's word :surprised:...
"death" can be interpreted in two ways:
it can means logically that one of them will simply die (by sacrifice or killing),or else that one of the two Shaolan will DISAPPEAR underneath the form he has at the moment,in others words one could lost his body but keep his soul... :okay:

--- End quote ---

i agree with you with that than killing ecah other

Me too. that will be  the most probably final battle.

the final battle is going to be colossal:
a clone android and a alcoholic(Fei wong reed  :haha:) VS a ninja,a mage vampire,an escaped prisoner (Real shaolan),and a princess  :rotfl:

it's gonna be much sparkling than a firework  :okay:

voted for OUR syaoran =)
hehe, hope he comes back.......@_@

even if our Shaolan come back he will never be the same...and we will never view him the same way as before either  :surprised:...
there is something that turn me on:
was our Shaolan really feeling love for Sakura or was his feelings manipulated and created by Fei Wong Reed in order to urge him to search the feather no matter what  :(?
if the second case is comfirmed,our Shaolan will have to learn to love Sakura with his own heart,exactly like Sakura had to fall again in love with Shaolan after losing her memories  :sweatdrop:!
but for now Clone Shaolan is heartless,so we will have to wait  :okay:


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