General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you name your child?

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Boy: Syaoran
Girl: Artemis

Well...if the name fits with the last name I'll definetely call one of my children by those names.

Møon Li:
Boy: Aindriú, Hagen or Syaoran XD
 Girl: Eibhlín

I'm shocked on how obsessed some of you are and some of the none-obsessed ones are equally strange.
Hell I have a niece named Mia Jayde (wonder where my brother pulled that one out of)

I don't even have a GF, let alone any thoughts about having kids, but to chose:

Boy: William
Girl: Jenice (SP?)

I did think of Madison first for a girls name, but my mother had to name my second youngest sister Maddison didn't she!


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