General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you name your child?

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MJ Walker:
I would name them Juniper, Daniel, and Lillian. I think Juniper is very kawaii.

If I had a girl it would be Lina, Cylia or Sakura.If I had a boy it would be Sam, Keiji or Kanna.

Girl = Sakura

Boy = Touya

Heh :)

i really would like to have more a boy than a girl,because i could train him and make him become a knight hero  :keke:

Boy : Léo , Alex , Teel , Ted

Girl : Aéris , Schala , Lémina , Kate , Elly

Never thought about, but if ever in the very distant future....

If a Girl: Aika (eye-ka), Sakura (Who wouldnt want a cute name??), Aria (I always thought it was cute).. I'll add more later.
If  a Boy: Alex, Yuki.... boy I'm horrible at choosing names...~_~''


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