General Discussions > Anything goes...

Arrival/Departure Thread

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hello to my dear old friends.. how are you all?

yeah, its been awhile since i log on this forum.. i should be back for a short visit ;)

Welcome back bLuetopaz :3 Been a while since I've seen you!
Stay as long as possible, nya~


--- Quote from: bLuetopaz on June 19 2007, 11:54 pm ---*waves*

hello to my dear old friends.. how are you all?

yeah, its been awhile since i log on this forum.. i should be back for a short visit ;)

--- End quote ---

Wow...a ghost from the past! Great to see you grace your presence here :greengrin:


--- Quote from: Arcademan on June 21 2007, 01:26 pm ---Wow...a ghost from the past! Great to see you grace your presence here :greengrin:

--- End quote ---

hey you guys, what's new!?
sorry i left without saying, hope everyone's doing well =]
i'm back, i'm not so much of an anime obsessive anymore [God forbid I just said that] but I still love it very mucho ^_^


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