OH MY GOD!!!!! Znuese, I love you!!! (I`m joking) XDDD
omg, my picture is a ...%/$/&()(·)= compared with yours...
thanks for your comment, I wanna know how you do it...could you send me a reference of program do you use in a personal message, pleeez??
thank you veeeery muuuuch. Your Syaoran is simply wonderful...
*kisses screen's pictures* 
D: your version rocks though~
As for how I colour - I use photoshop 7.0 (which I've used for.. uhh.. six years now I think. And in those six years I've messed around with different brushes and such, so I'm very much used to the program.).
I put the scan (all cleaned with brightness/contrast) on the topmost layer and set the layer to multiply. Then I colour underneath xD Uhm.. Lots of layers. Using a custom brush that I made thats a bit softer and more natural than the ones that are preprogrammed into photoshop. And I also do a few layers above the scan, for highlights and other details and such. Usually I end up with like.. 20 layers. (and thats with merging similar layers every now and then, too).
Oh yeah! And before I start colouring I usually make the whole image bigger to like.. 3000px high. The folder the image was in ended up being about 300mb by the end, after saving to multiple names in the process .__.
*cough* So yeah. Photoshop 7.0 XD