CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Mokona's kidnappers service and AntiBTrain or AntiNHK campaign

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you are already exhausted before even having begun your first mission  :sweatdrop:?
okay,no problem,i always have a solution for each case  :wink::
we will hire your service as the doctor of the Mokona's kidnappers guild since you seems to be an excellent "imaginary invalid"  :haha:

here is your badge  :okay::

Sailor Yue-chan:
im also mainly just for anti-beetrain ^^;;

WTH!?  O_o

i think yuuko took care of these mokonas. she turned them into a handfull of mokona beanbags...she was juggling them in an ep of holic that aired after this ep aired :lol:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 19 2006, 03:17 am ---so now our Mokona's kidnappers guild has been officially claimed  :wink:!
(but the others members were already accustomed because i often talked about us in my posts  :keke:)

if you dislike beetrain,want to make mokona shut up,and have some informations to give us about where this damn sausage could be,contact us at once,our working is free,and we are acting for the sake of the KuroFainess,which is actually in hight danger because of the anti-yaoi state of mind of Beetrain and the betrayal of Mokona who tries constantly to oust Kurogane and Fai  :sweatdrop:

we are counting on you,your support will be the key to our success  :okay:

--- End quote ---

Oh. For a while I thought you were after CLAMP's Mokona and not the white manju. Mmm, manju....

--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 19 2006, 09:31 am ---i just came back of investigation about this event  :surprised::

as you can see Mokona can transform himself into a terrible monster!he tried to aspirate CLAMP last chapter but hopefully i was there to save them,and i hid our favorites mangakas in a safe place...but i can't tell you where,because one of the 108 secret techniques of Mokona is to spy like James bond  :sweatdrop:!

in the "Mokona's kidnappers" guild i'm a knight,and i'm in charge of taking photos to inform you about the evolution of our mission  :okay:!
Ishiyaki is a reporter like me,and be sure that we will never allow Mokona to harm our  supporters  :wink:

--- End quote ---

OOT: You're a reporter? *sniff* I was one too... *sniff* I miss my old job *sniff*

Sailor Yue-chan:
i actualy wouldnt mind doing soemthing to the damn white thing. look at the size of this thing!!:

(click for full size)

kurogane is alwatys shown in hte manga grabbing mokona in one hand, mokona gigling and him FITTING in kuro;s hand. KING KONG wouldnt be able to whold this thing in his hand!!! O.O

IG did mokona right. that mokona is cuddleable like a plush toy. beetrain's is probably larger than MKR's, ne?

thanks for you participation,tell me what custom would you like to have and i will give you a suitable image as a certificate of your belonging  :okay:

now about my daily investigation,i caught Mokona in flagrant offence of trying to kiss Fai in order to replace Kurogane and kill the KuroFainess  :angry:!

WARNING:this images have sexual connotation,so parental advisors is recquired  :confused:

this sausage mummy is going too far  :dodge:


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