CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Mokona's kidnappers service and AntiBTrain or AntiNHK campaign

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--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 22 2006, 06:41 am ---actually,it is quite simple  :wink::

recently Mokona is starting to be a little too much the star of the recents episodes (like in 37,and now the next episode will again be about him and kero),and on the other hand there is less and less KuroFainess in season 2,so we are blaming Beetrain to try to kill the yaoi pairing of Kurogane and Fai by putting Mokona on the top of the scene  :angry:

our anger has increased since we have seen the article about Kurogane and Tomoyo,and Mokona over presence is really beginning to get on our nerves,so Ishiyaki on i have decided to rally as many warriors as we can to build an army and invade beetrain studio in order to stop the slaughter  :dodge:

i will be glad if you join our cause,especially since i appreciate you very much on this forum  :keke:

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OF COURSE I WILL JOIN! Mokona IS getting a bit annoying in the anime, NOT manga. There he's still kawaii! ^o^ Anyway, what's this about next episode being about him and kero?

arigato for joining, Airashii!!


--- Quote from: Airashii on August 22 2006, 06:48 am ---OF COURSE I WILL JOIN! Mokona IS getting a bit annoying in the anime, NOT manga. There he's still kawaii! ^o^ Anyway, what's this about next episode being about him and kero?

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great ,so i'm going to add you im my subordinates list under my sign  :keke:!
tell me what job would you like to do for our Mokona's kidnappers guild and i will attribuate you a picture as a badge!don't forget that this a one way ticket  :wink:!
i don't know much on this awful episode,but the title is enough to bring me on the edge of breaking down  :angry:!

by the way Ishiyaki,i think that we should pay attention to our food now,Mokona is getting more and more wicked  :haha:

Hehehehe, no prob!


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on August 22 2006, 06:54 am ---great ,so i'm going to add you im my subordinates list under my sign :keke:!
tell me what job would you like to do for our Mokona's kidnappers guild and i will attribuate you a picture as a badge!don't forget that this a one way ticket :wink:!
i don't know much on this awful episode,but the title is enough to bring me on the edge of breaking down :angry:!

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Um, I don't know what kind of job I should do...what do you think I can do? ^_^;


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