CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Mokona's kidnappers service and AntiBTrain or AntiNHK campaign

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haha, thank you very much Tatasen-chan! :greengrin:

yeah, our team has been claimed, and you can discuss "BeeTrain's state of mind" and deffend KuroFainess in this topic too, but members are already doing it in topic"OhMyGod".
demo, all opinions are welcome here.

thanks for vote!! :keke:
We accept advices! :D
At the moment, Mokona's kidnappers are being called to give service! :tongue:


we warn you that our mission is really dangerous,Mokona is a "yaoi serial killer",each time Kurogane and Fai are having a serious discussion he is always interrupting them and destroying the hot atmosphere,so you have to be very careful if you really want to be implied,because Mokona isn't at all a loveable little mouse,he works for the gang Beetrain,and one of his most terribly 108 secrets techniques is to GET ON OUR NERVES  :angry:!
many of our team mates ended up totally crazy and were inmating in psychatric hospital  :confused:.Ishiyaki and i are the only two survivors  -_-...

thanks for your comprehension and compassion  :okay:

hehe, we're the strongest survivors.
BeeTrain is being manipulated by Mokona, he had used one of his 108 secrets techniques. A lot of Fangirls had suffered a panick attack since Mokona interrupts KuroFaiiness... :angry:
we need your support, this is the war!! :help: :angry5:

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: ishiyaki on August 19 2006, 02:55 am ---would you like become my second forum's family member? :wink:

--- End quote ---
sure. what relation?

ep 41 was the only ep that reatined all shonen ai-ness. i want aALL the eps to be that good :(

you could be the 3rd member of our team, if you want :okay:

***Latest news***
NHK has communicated that its building has been attacked by 2 extranges balls, which warned "We've a message to BeeTrain:KuroFainess will never be canon!! and we'll not allow Kuro to be with Fai, anyway!!!!


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