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Happy Birthday to SLi
Yes, I know we have a seperate birthday greeting thread however I feel the BOSS MAN of CapturedWings deserves his own thread for his birthday. Time to put 23 candles on the old birthday cake and have a GREAT DAY!!!
:noteworthy: :noteworthy: :noteworthy:
Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu! Happy 23rd birthday, SLi!!! *worships* Thank you for bringing us all together at this wonderful forum! ^___^
Møon Li:
Hope you have wonderful day, enjoy it a lot!!! it's ur special day ^_^
presents from me to you:
hugs and kisses!!!
XD, lol. Hey Happy birthday SLI
*starts singing happy birthday, but stops because all the glass in the house broke*, XD :occasion1:
Happy Birthday ^^;;
Though to tell the truth it was not a good day (shouldn't of got out of bed)
Couldn't get two things I wanted (laptop - I don't have a job and/or get enough money && a new mobile phone)
Then main computer restarted by itself for no reason (just when I was about to enter a group for WoW)
Then laptop kept crashing while I was trying to restore it back to Windows (played with Linux on it for a while)
Internet dropped out for almost 20 minutes for no reason.
Overall, a rotten day.
But thanks :D
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