Name-less, marielaure: First, you list twelve of your favourite characters (from any series).
spoiler tag. Then you answer the questions, using the list of characters you made. Like, let's say the first question is "What kind of pet do you think number 3 would like to have?" (that's not one of the questions, I'm just using it as an example). Looking at your list, you see that you have listed, say, Kurogane as nr 3, so you answer the question with what kind of pet you think he would like. Simple as that.
1. Who would make a better college professor, 6 or 11?Tsukasa (.hack//SIGN) the angsty, asocial whiner, or Fai? Definitely the latter.
2. Do you think 4 is hot? How hot?CCS Sakura = hot? o_O
3. 12 sends 8 on a mission. What is it, and does it succeed?Haku (Naruto) wouldn't boss Rock Lee (same series) around... he's too kind for that. He would probably just tell Lee to fight for his dreams and the dreams of those whom he loves. Lee would go "Yosh!" to that and grin widely. Of course he would succeed. ^^
4. What is or would be 9's favorite book?Haha... Yue reading. Actually, I think he would enjoy it. As for the actual book... why do I keep thinking of
Gone With the Wind? That doesn't make any sense. Or does it?
5. Would it make more sense for 2 to swear fealty to 6, or the other way around?Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!) would definitely be more likely to do so to Tsukasa. He's humble and kind, whereas Tsukasa is not very humble...
6. For some reason, 5 is looking for a roommate. Should s/he share a studio apartment with 9 or with 10?Hatori (Fruits Basket) looking for a roomate? Yeah, very likely... I think he could go pretty well with both CCS Touya and Yue, but Touya is at least the most extroverted of the three (and that's saying something), so I choose Yue. He and Hatori could sit and sulk in opposite corners.
7. 2, 7 and 12 have dinner together. Where do they go, and what do they discuss?Bakura, Subaru (.hack//SIGN) and CCS Yukito? ^^ Yuki would drag the other two into some eat-all-you-can buffé, and he would do all the talking. Bakura and Subaru would most likely appreciate each other very much, and they would like Yukito, although neither would contribute much to the conversation. Polite, soft-spoken, shy people, both of them...
8. 3 challenges 10 to a duel. What happens?Haku vs Touya. The latter would put up a good fight considering his opponent is a über skilled ninja... but Haku would naturally not kill him.
9. If 1 stole 8's most precious possession, how would he get it back?Oh my, CCS Tomoyo stole Rocke Lee's love object, who just
happens to be named Sakura, too. We know Tomoyo is both evil and cunning, but she must have confused her Sakuras here. Lee wouldn't have to pay more than doing some cool ninja pose or stunts together with CCS Sakura for Tomoyo to film.
10. Suggest a title for a story in which 7 and 12 both attain what they most desire.Yukito and Subaru (.hack//SIGN). Hm, how about:
"The Spectaluar Story of how the World became a Peaceful and Happy, Happy Place where everything was Edible and where Everyone could Roam Freely Together with their Beloved"?
11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 and 1 to work together?For Sakura and Tomoyo? My, now I've got to think of something really good, for those two would never work together willingly...
12. If 7 visited you for the weekend, how would you get along?Subaru (.hack//SIGN) and I would get along just fine, I think. We're pretty similiar.
13. If you could command 3 to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be?I don't think Haku (Naruto) would protest if I commanded him to be happy with Zabusa. ^^
14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw 11?Friends...?
15. If 2 had to choose sides between 4 and 5, which would it be?Cute little Sakura-chan over Hatori (Fruits Basket) any day!
16. What might 10 shout while charging into battle?"Don't you even think about hurting my sisteeeeeer!" Why yes, number 10 on my list is Touya.
17. If you chose a song to represent 8, which song would you choose?"Gifts and Curses" by Yellowcard fits Lee (Naruto) quite well.
18. 1, 6 and 12 are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it?Tsukasa would just sit and sulk instead of reaching for the pancake, otherwise he would just say something like "it doesn't matter to me. You can have the stupid pancake, I don't care about it *angsts*", and when Tomoyo discovered that Yukito wanted the pancake too, she would politely offer it to him, and he, of course, would happily dig in after asking if it really was okay.
19. What might be a good pick-up line for 2 to use on 10?Ahahaha, Bakura hitting on Touya! I'd pay to see that, and maybe it would go something like this... Bakura says something about having found this interesting-looking
card the other day; Touya gets suspicious, thinking Bakura might have stolen the card from his little sister. Bakura thus manages to lure him into some dark alley, where Evil Bakura pops out and attacks Touya, leaving him tied up in a closet, to molest him at some later point when he feels in the mood.
20. What would 5 most likely be arrested for?Hatori would be suspected for somehow causing people amesia. But they would have to release him due to lack of evidence...
21. What is 6's secret?Tsukasa's secret is something quite obvious for those who have watched .hack//SIGN...
22. If 11 and 9 were racing to a destination, who would get there first?As long as Fai is unwilling to use magic, Yue would win. The wings...
23. 3 and 7 tell conflicting versions of events. Which is more reliable?Haku (Naruto) is doubtlessly a very gentle person, but if he have to, he would lie. Sweet, shy Subaru probably couldn't do that.
24. "Tomoyo
and Yue
reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by Sakura’s
sinister secret organization. Fai
volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that Fai
is actually a spy for Sakura
. Meanwhile, Sakura has kidnapped Yukito
, in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of Hatori
, they seek out Haku
, who gives them what they need to complete their quest." What title would you give this fic? Name three people who might read it. Name one person who should write it?"The Incredible Story of Much Out-Of-Character-ness that No One would Read, Hopefully let alone Write". Actually, evil!Sakura could be pretty funny...
25. If you had to walk home through a bad neighbourhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 or 8?Hah! Subaru could offer me as much protection as a wet mitten; she couldn't even defend herself. Rocke Lee on the other hand...

That passed some time.