AuthorTopic: Chapter 127  (Read 101094 times)

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #340 on: September 12 2006, 11:59 am »
yeah that would be good It would make her better In TRC XD

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #341 on: September 12 2006, 12:00 pm »
i'm curious to as the spoiler a couple weeks ago (where it was said that fai would wake up and attack kuro)  i want to know if that is completely gone or it just could have been something that will happen later on... if it happens soon when sakura is awake, i wonder how she'll react , she's closest to fai in a motherxdaughter sense and plus she was asleep so i doubt she knows yet what has happened to fai....
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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #342 on: September 12 2006, 02:50 pm »
I'm so impatient waiting for the next chapter. >.<

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #343 on: September 12 2006, 09:45 pm »

 Call me sensitive, call me a pain in the ***, but if someone were to insult your favourite character, you'd get angry too, right?


  I love anime.  I get very into the characters and plots.  A friend and I are into Inuyasha and talk about new episodes in the manga like we all talk here. But honestly, it doesn't make me angry if people put down my favorite character.

  I guess for me, it's a matter of perspective.  I've fought schools over my autistic son's curriculum and diagnoses.  (and in one case won a suit against a school with the state's educational agency) I've been put down as a mother, I've had my son put down, and even my son's doctor's diagnoses and testing methods questioned by school people.

  As into anime and manga as I get, as much as I "love" certain characters...I guess that I just can't see getting so upset over them because somebody else doesn't feel the same.  My first exposure to anime was almost 15 years ago.  The very first anime I saw was "Fist of the North Star".  My friend was watching it. He loved it. I hated it. Still do.  I shrugged and went in search of anime I do like.  He shrugged and kept watching it.

  This board is supportive of KuoxFai.  Many are not and actively bash that pairing. I read, I shrug, I move on.  I will, of course, put forth the reasons why **I** like a character or a pairing...I would even go so far as to argue a point if I felt I had the position to do so.  But I'm not going to walk away hurt because they don't agree.

  Now that being said, obviously you do.  There's not much I can really say because if that's how you feel, that's how you feel.  But I guess I'd have to tender a small bit of advice that you can choose to happily ignore if you want to: people are going to discuss characters in forums about manga and anime series. Discussion and opinion of characters are going to happen and there will always be people whose opinions will be the polar opposite of yours.  If you choose to frequent boards where such discussions occur, you may want to accept and understand that.  If not, you may want to stick with fan sites strictly devoted to the character or pairing you like.  You are far less likely to encounter opposing opinions there.

   There are a lot of very nice fan sites and rings devoted to the S+S pairing and to Sakura.  Some of the artwork from fans and from the manga of the two are gorgeous.  There are fan fiction sites out there that are creative and host a whole range of writing styles and ideas.  Not to say that you aren't welcome to stay here and say what you like and why.  You are.  But you need to find where YOU are comfortable and only you can decide that.

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #344 on: September 12 2006, 10:17 pm »
So...the spoilers aren't true, are they? I will be very sad if the rest were left out...but come to think of it, Sakura was left out nearly one quarter of the series...Good to see her doing something since Piffle world and Jade world...and even in Outo. I think she needs to do something by herself for once...let's just hope that it isn't paying for Kuro's wish...because I kind of think that ninjas need to take responsibility for any request...and I hope they move on to another world quick...this world's twist shock is fading... for this thread's fighting...I think that human feelings are very easy to a tomato. So, let's get on topic! I want the next chappie quick!  ^^

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #345 on: September 13 2006, 12:09 am »
Actually , I kinda believe what the spoiler says, since the source is quite  reliable for me, unless if there are two versions of spoiler, at least one of them is true, right..? About Sakura has her action, that's OK, because every manga's character must take turn for ACTION :tongue:, especially if Sakura is the main character

anyway, we see about that tomorrow...^_^

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #346 on: September 13 2006, 01:16 am »
The chapter comes tomorrow? Yatta :D
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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #347 on: September 13 2006, 01:29 am »
Officially it comes out tomorrow, but it could be leaked earlier.
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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #348 on: September 13 2006, 02:00 am »
And while the propositions are flying around - Becster, can I ask to be your forum relative? Or business partner, at least?

Sure thing! Family, or business partner, you choose XD

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