AuthorTopic: Chapter 126  (Read 111586 times)

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #220 on: August 24 2006, 10:08 am »
I noticed something...
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Fai grabbed Kuro injuring his's just me or Kuro's arm was bleeding? Maybe was sensing  or searching Kuro's blood  :sweatdrop:
besides, Manga is going to be more and more interesting with Fai's instinct to attack somebody! :sad5:

Fai was at this moment drained of all his strenght,so he certainly needed some blood to regain full consciousness  :surprised:.
i think that even when Fai will wake up,he won't be lively as long as he won't have drink some Kurogane blood  :sweatdrop:.
his transformation will only be complete when he will do this "first action" as a true vampire  :okay:!

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #221 on: August 24 2006, 10:19 am »
I actually read this a long time ago, but was talking with a friend and wondered something.

Where the heck is the Clone?

Its been really long since the last chapter came out, but I don't think he got sent away, did he?  Or really anything at all.

I can't think he's letting his pretty little twin walk out of the building with his feather-net, ne.
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The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #222 on: August 24 2006, 10:25 am »
He went to a different dimension courtesy of FWR, it happened in the beginning of chapter 124. Sakura begged him not to leave, but he did anyway and left her with everyone else.

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #223 on: August 24 2006, 11:02 am »
I don't know if I'd really count on those spoilers.
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There is the possibility that Fay may "attack" Kuro, but perhaps, as it's been said before, it is a need to have his blood, since he went through all that pain and is emotionally drained. I cannot see Fay attacking Kuro out of anger. That's not the type of person he is. However, I can see them trying to stop him if he is in such a blind state of "need blood" that he could potentially harm Kuro. I doubt he's got any control.

The need to survive is the most basic, so that's what may be happening. Then again, isn't it a little odd that the spoilers are out already?
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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #224 on: August 24 2006, 11:24 am »
Holy wow.  I think I skipped over chapter 124 completely.  O____O  I think I only read the translation, and so I got confused.

That completely sucks.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #225 on: August 24 2006, 11:49 am »
Ok, now I'm curious. How many people think Clone Syaoran should die and Real Syaoran take over his place? @__@ Cause for some reason, I can't see that happening... yet... cause as much as I love the little moment Real Syaoran and Sakura had, I'm still wondering what Sakura really feels for the Clone... She should know who's who since she asked Real Syaoran not to kill him... she seemed to know.

At the moment, I don't want Clone Syaoran to die because after all these years he grew up without a past, and he was loved by people like Sakura and Fujitaka... It's just so sad that it might have been gone and transferred to Real Syaoran. It seems kinda unfair... @_@

And did Clow Syaoran's memories really transfer to Real Syaoran? I mean, I'm wondering how does Real Syaoran really feel for Sakura... could it be concern? Could it really be love? Was it something from Clow Syaoran?

Ok, I shall end my rant now. >_<

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #226 on: August 24 2006, 12:05 pm »
I'm still in "SQUEEEE!!" mode because Mokona glomped Kamui, oh my God that was so cute, YAY FOR KAMUI BEEING GLOMPED!

And Fuuma, since you're here, can you molest him? YAY!

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #227 on: August 24 2006, 12:17 pm »
I think this part is really cute:
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I like the parallels between the two <3 I think that this little bit says a lot.  :wink:

Offline bie liao

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #228 on: August 24 2006, 12:24 pm »
Holy lord you just word for word repeated my friend.

Although the paralells between Kuro & Fai and Syaoran & Sakura were cute. :3

See?  Though she spelled parallels wrong.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #229 on: August 24 2006, 12:31 pm »
I think this part is really cute:
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I like the parallels between the two <3
Oh, that is too cute. *melts*

As for C!Syaonran and R!Syaoran... C!Syaoran's memories didn't transfer to R!Syaoran- R!Syaoran has been watching (through the eye) the whole time C!Syaoran was growing up. Stalker. Was there a version of Sakura on the world where R!Syaoran comes from, whatever world that was? Perhaps, and perhaps R!Syaoran knew that other Sakura and was in love with her. But remember, R!Syaoran was kidnapped when he was really young, so I don't know how likely it would be. And I personally prefer the idea of of C!S/S. C!Syaoran's still going to come around, I think.
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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #230 on: August 24 2006, 12:38 pm »
Oh, that is too cute. *melts*

As for C!Syaonran and R!Syaoran... C!Syaoran's memories didn't transfer to R!Syaoran- R!Syaoran has been watching (through the eye) the whole time C!Syaoran was growing up. Stalker. Was there a version of Sakura on the world where R!Syaoran comes from, whatever world that was? Perhaps, and perhaps R!Syaoran knew that other Sakura and was in love with her. But remember, R!Syaoran was kidnapped when he was really young, so I don't know how likely it would be. And I personally prefer the idea of of C!S/S. C!Syaoran's still going to come around, I think.

I agree. I don't necessarily think Real!Syao is in love with this Sakura. He reacted to her in a kindly manner because he does have emotions and sympathy for her. She did just witness something completely and utterly devestating to her, and Real!Syao doesn't seem like the type of person to just be like "Whatever, I don't care." Also, maybe he is feeling a certain amount of guilt since he might feel partly responsible for what has happened, even though it isn't his fault he was captured and cloned in the first place.

Ehe, I dunno. I just don't think that because Real!Syaoran acted in a kind manner to Sakura that he is in love with her. I also want Cloney to come around, because he is definitely the Syaoran for this Sakura, I believe.

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #231 on: August 24 2006, 12:39 pm »
True, Sakura loves C/Syaoran!

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #232 on: August 24 2006, 01:12 pm »
Hello Everyone
I have been lurking around this forum for weeks now.  I couln't resist anymore, so I have to said something.

I absolutely love this chp. :inlove:

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I really like how this chapter solve the Vampire-Faye problems.  I kind of like the thought of Faye being a vampire forever (so he and Kurogane can be tied forever.  But after giving up much thought about it, I prefer Faye to be a full-human and does not have to rely on Kurogane.  Because IF at the end of TRC, Kurogane and Faye (human) decide to stay together, then it means  :inlove: and not because they have to.  I don't really like the idea of forcing them to stay together just so Faye can continue to survive.  That would give the Tomoyo/Kurogane shipper an excuse that it not love. :XD:

Don't Flame me C!Syaoran fans when I said this:  I support the R!Syaoran and I hope that C!Syaoran dies and R!Syaoran can be with Sakura.  I remember reading the old splash page that said that "no matter how many time she is reborn, she call out to that soul."  I don't think the C!Syaoran have a soul or a heart, so in the end probably Sakura will be together with the R!Syaoran. 
However, I am still unsure whether or not the R!Syaoran love Sakura or not.  If he is not, then  :angry:

*Turning to Fangirl mode*
The way Kurogane looks at Faye is just too sweet.  I have NEVER seen Kurogane show so much emotion before (since the past few chapterss we have seen so many new side of Kurogane).  I mean the way he is holding Faye, looking at Faye, carrying Faye, sacrificing everything to Faye is just tooooooooo  :laughing4:  :cry:  :greengrin:  Squeel!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS I hope the spoiler tag works.

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #233 on: August 24 2006, 01:23 pm »
* -_-(after 12 pages)*
by me.

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #234 on: August 24 2006, 02:10 pm »
I don't know if I'd really count on those spoilers.
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There is the possibility that Fay may "attack" Kuro, but perhaps, as it's been said before, it is a need to have his blood, since he went through all that pain and is emotionally drained. I cannot see Fay attacking Kuro out of anger. That's not the type of person he is. However, I can see them trying to stop him if he is in such a blind state of "need blood" that he could potentially harm Kuro. I doubt he's got any control.

The need to survive is the most basic, so that's what may be happening. Then again, isn't it a little odd that the spoilers are out already?

I think you are right. I doubt when Fai wakes up, and is in the right state of mind, he would attack Kuro out of anger or something.
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if he wakes up and is sane, i expect him to just look in his eyes and smile for him. Or something like that. So he might attack him for hunger.
But it's strange that the spoilers for 127 is already out. If the spoilers are out, should we be expecting the scans be out very soon? I heard some people in Japan can pay extra money for early chapters.

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #235 on: August 24 2006, 03:05 pm »
He went to a different dimension courtesy of FWR, it happened in the beginning of chapter 124. Sakura begged him not to leave, but he did anyway and left her with everyone else.

The way you said this made me laugh  :haha:. Is like Sakura saying, "Please, don't go! Stay!" and C/Syaoran is like, "Hahah, peace, b*tch." *dumps her and leaves*.....but I think is just me.

ANYWAY, despite getting ahead of myself, I'm really getting attached to R/Syaoran (Maybe that's CLAMP's intentions?). Of course, it could be all misinterpretation on my part, due to not really knowing his real reasons or emotions or what he actually thinks of Sakura (and vice-versa), but now I can't really choose between C/Syaoran and R/Syaoran, and one of them has to be gone, right? :cry: R/Syaoran is not really that bad, he's helping and doing things, even if it is maybe out of guilt or responsibility, is kind of sweet, and how is this whole thing of awkwardness in terms of the group's acceptance. Though if it's who's better, if C/Syaoran turns back into OUR/Syaoran, I'll take it, since I didn't waste 15 volumes with him as a main character for nothing. As I said before, can't they just merge? (Yeah, real cheap I know, but I can still dream and hope it becomes a reality)

As for Fai and Kuro, I thought it very weird that Kuro and Fai will be forever bind, with Fai feeding off his blood once in awhile, and the whole vampire thing in general. It didn't sit well with me, there had to be a catch somehow, and now this chapter proves another chance for Fai to be back to normal if he gets his eye back, if C/Syaoran ever appears (Though we know he will).
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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #236 on: August 24 2006, 03:14 pm »
I think you are right. I doubt when Fai wakes up, and is in the right state of mind, he would attack Kuro out of anger or something.
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if he wakes up and is sane, i expect him to just look in his eyes and smile for him. Or something like that. So he might attack him for hunger.
But it's strange that the spoilers for 127 is already out. If the spoilers are out, should we be expecting the scans be out very soon? I heard some people in Japan can pay extra money for early chapters.
I think so too. I've never heard about the paying extra for early chapters, though. That's interesting. We'll see!

But I base my comment off the fact that, to me, it looks like
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Fay latches on to Kuro during his pain perhaps because there is the bond there. It actually didn't look like he drew blood to me, but I may be blind. He could have been reaching out to him to get it to stop. I don't think he grabbed him in anger or hatred, which is why I don't see him attacking in anger or hatred. I hope I'm not wrong. That would be sad.
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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #237 on: August 24 2006, 03:16 pm »
This Chapter was Like OMG, after I was done with the shock, which I'm still in, CLAMP IS THE BEST, I wonder how the h*ll BEE TRAIN IS GOING TO DO THIS WHOLE TOKYO SAGA.......
and I can't wait for next week...

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #238 on: August 24 2006, 03:24 pm »
I think so too. I've never heard about the paying extra for early chapters, though. That's interesting. We'll see!

But I base my comment off the fact that, to me, it looks like
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Fay latches on to Kuro during his pain perhaps because there is the bond there. It actually didn't look like he drew blood to me, but I may be blind. He could have been reaching out to him to get it to stop. I don't think he grabbed him in anger or hatred, which is why I don't see him attacking in anger or hatred. I hope I'm not wrong. That would be sad.

Do we really need spoilers anymore? I'll use them in case, but it is page 12...

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He did draw blood, but I don't think it was because he wanted blood at the moment or anything. I think the sheer force with which he was grasping onto Kurogane just caused Kurogane's skin to break. I mean, every single bit of his bodily composition is changing at the same time, of course there is going to be an intense amount of pain involved. I just think that when you are in an intense amount of pain, it's an unconscious reaction to grab hold of something. Like when women are giving birth and their partners hold their hand so they have something to grab onto and squeeze since the pain is intense. I don't think Fai was angry at the moment, and I can't see him truly hating Kurogane even over something like this. Fai was in pain, Kurogane was there by his side holding him, so Fai just grabbed onto him because he needed to hold onto something, like he had been grasping the bedsheets before he clung to Kurogane.

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Re: Chapter 126
« Reply #239 on: August 24 2006, 03:25 pm »
I don't want R!S and Sakura to be together because C!S is the one she loves and the one who earned her love.

It would be like someone else taking credit for your hard work!

C!S loves Sakura, even without R!S's heart.  I'm SUREof it.  Plus R!S said something like that himself.

Actually, Clamp could make this REALLY mouthwatering.  Everytime we see C!S he could get ever so slightly more kind/affectionate to Sakura, doing something to make us think that he's remembering his love for her.  They could really build up the tension and anticipation between them.  Remember CCS?  With Syaoran taking ages to confess to Sakura?  It could almost be like that again!

As sweet as it was that we knew about Sakura and Syaoran loving each other from the very first volume, it doesn't provide a huge amount of tension for story telling.  Previously we got it from waiting for Sakura to realise her feelings for Syaoran, but this time we get it in reverse.  And as it's darker and deeper...I think it will generate more interest.

R!S, as sweet as he was this chapter, isn't the one Sakura loves and it just wouldn't feel right to just slot him into C!S's place.  I can't imagine that Sakura (or Fay and Kurogane) is the sort of person to ignore C!S in favour of an easy solution in R!S.  I hope that R!S has his own world and happiness (even if he has been locked up by FWR since childhood) that he can return too, because I don't think he can be truely happy amongst Sakura-tachi.


And I don't think Fay drew blood.  Kuro was wearing a rather loose dress shirt which had plenty of fabric for Fay to clench at and it was already blackened from the magical burn Kuro got a few chapters back when protecting himself and Fay from the attack C!S launched at them.  From what I could see it looked like Fay was grabbing at handfuls of the charred shirt rather than digging his fingers into Kuro's skin.

And why do I keep getting the first comment on a new page?