AuthorTopic: Why do you like manga and anime?  (Read 5726 times)

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Why do you like manga and anime?
« on: August 13 2006, 08:07 am »
Most people watched and enjoyed Sailor Moon, Pokemon and Dragonball Z when they were young. However, few have ever felt the need to dig deeper than these shows, but appearantly, those of you who read this did. My question is: why? I suspect there aren't many on this forum who only like CCS or TRC - most of us are into a whole lot of different manga and anime, and are actively searching for new Japanese animated series to read and watch. That's right: when asking for suggestions on what to go for, we ask specifically for manga and anime.

What does this form of art and storytelling have that cannot be matched by Western animation? I do not think anyone here watches any anime or read whatever manga they come across just because "everything Japanese is so cool!" - there are too many genres for it to be possible to like everything or generalise, but there must be something, something all-embracing, that draws us to it, right? Otherwise we could just watch "normal" movies and read ditto books. Not that we don't do that as well, but you see where I'm going.

Me? I've always enjoyed watching animated movies, but as that, my Western standard, almost entirely equals Disney, I kept longing for, oh, I dunno... a deep plot, angst, non-fluffy endings. Which I could get plenty of by watching non-animated movies, but those were never as appealing to look at. When I discovered that there actually existed mind-twisting and deep animated movies out there, I was naturally thrilled.

So, basically my reason for being into the stuff is that it combines my love for animation with my love for weirdness. I have never been one for comics (which is strange, since I love to read/write and to draw), but since anime often is based on manga, the latter one tends to be better, which has gotten me to read more and more manga. It's funny - when I think about it, almost all my favourite anime are not based on a manga.

However, there are other reasons as to why I am drawn to this. If you can bear with me generalising a bit, I would say that many Japanese series, despite Japan being such a gender conservative country, are quite open when it comes to gender, sexuality and suchlike, which I highly appreciate. And even though every mangaka has her or his unique artstyle, manga has quite another feel to it than, say, Spiderman. :sweatdrop: More detailed and cleaner, at least often.

Sure, anime and manga have many drawbacks in comparission to other medias - again, I'm generalising - and I though that besides stating our reasons for liking it, be could have a discussion about the ups and downs with often occuring themes and events in it. Thoughts, people?

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Re: Why do you like manga and anime?
« Reply #1 on: August 13 2006, 11:34 am »
I could say I've been drawn to anime and manga for much the same reasons as you did. I grew up on Disney animations and cartoons. Since most cartoons and animations in the US are geared toward family entertainment, they are very limited in themes. As a teen, I was drawn to anime first (and manga shortly after), precisely because they explored a lot of themes you can usually only find in novels in the US. It was like animation could be appreciated by older kids and even adults too.

The art style of a lot of shoujo anime also appealed to me when I was teen, because I *liked* cute and pretty characters. After I was drawn into shoujo anime, I started to like shounen anime too, because of the action, intense competition, and their themes of friendship and team-bonding.

The other reason I prefer anime over Disney animation is because of characters and character interations. In western animation, there are virtually only 5 types of characters:

1) the main character (hero)
2) the mentor or the parent (sometimes deceased)
3) the main character's spunky love interest (a female character or heroine)
4) the side-kick(s) who provide comedy, or sometimes serve as a foil for the main character
5) the absolutely-evil villain (complete with evil laughter TM)

The same character types show up in anime too, but there are usually more variations than just these 5 types. Also, in anime, there is sometimes the concept of "not absolutely evil villain", which is actually more the case in real life. Not every single villain is a trademark "I am so evil" kind of villain; a lot of villains in anime have some kind of reason or another that they are evil, and usually there are more plot complications because of this.

I could go on and on, but basically, anime/manga have appealed more to me simply because the characters themselves are a lot more complex and the character relationships portrayed are also more complex than those you normally find in Disney animations. Sure, you have your anime stereotypes too, but you still have more character variety compared to those of Disney animations and cartoons.

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Re: Why do you like manga and anime?
« Reply #2 on: August 13 2006, 03:07 pm »
i agree with u. i never really knew anime until I saw sailor moon at the age of 7. and when i watched it, i thought that it was very, it wasn't the stereotypical cartoon. it was more than that... for one, it was a "girl power" show which I rarely saw at that time. so i was drawn to it. then when pokemon came out, i was intrigued by how kawaii the characters were and the strange monster characters. I mean, i've seen talking dogs (e.g. scooby doo) but this was way beyond that. these were little weird monsters that ppl cared for...etc. After dragonball, i became fascinated by anime and what it has to offer. So, curious as i was, I went and searched for more anime. Anywayz, to conclude, i was drawn by how unique anime cartoons are.
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Re: Why do you like manga and anime?
« Reply #3 on: August 13 2006, 03:51 pm »
Anime reminds me of cartoons I watched from my childhood, which is what originally drew me to it.

I grew up on things from the 80s to early 90s but then there was a noticeable change in shows, which I didn't like and eventually led to a lot of old cartoons being re-done (He-man, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc) in the late 90s/early 2000s, which I downright hated seeing as they were no where near as good as the originals and frankly I felt that parts of my childhood was being destroyed.

Then 3 years ago I stubbled upon DBZ one night while flipping channels and was immediately transported back to my youth.  Through it I found other series, which quickly led me to manga.

As for manga (which I like more than anime) what keeps me on it is I've always been fascinated by comics but never got into them because by the time I was old enough to read them I had at least 30 years to catch up on and no way of doing it (ahh the dark ages before the Internet).  Discovering manga was one of the happiest days of my life since it's close enough to US comics but a lot shorter.
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Re: Why do you like manga and anime?
« Reply #4 on: August 13 2006, 04:39 pm »
Well, i love drawing from young and manga and anime characters are so beautifully drawn that i'm drawn to them.. (no pun intended) And i started watching cartoons from young.. Love them! Maybe i like to deceive myself with all the 'prefect-ness" in cartoons.. I like to believe that good will triumph over evil..  and all the goodness (and of course those prefect, ultra shuai-chinese for handsome-guys) that certainly does not exist in real life..

From manga n anime i was also drawn to Jap and Jap culture.. got to know about more about Japan through them too.. Mangas and animes are definitely my window to another world.. a world of goodness, kawaii-ness and prefect-ness..


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Re: Why do you like manga and anime?
« Reply #5 on: August 27 2006, 01:06 am »
There's something inside that makes the manga beautiful...I think it's because mangas contains more emotions than occidental comics.

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Re: Why do you like manga and anime?
« Reply #6 on: August 27 2006, 01:33 am »
It has been said that the characters drawn in mangas and animes... with just one look you can tell the depth of their emotions by their facial expressions. They express themselves so freely... even when they're supposed to be cold and distant, you know they have emotions in them. And that's one of the reasons I love anime and manga... the emotions.

Granted, I also grew up with animations from the West which was entertaining... but got kinda repetitive. Storylines became predictable... and though the "journey" towards the end was entertaining, the ending left me dry... like, something was missing.

I've watched many animes during that time and was also strangely attracted to it. It was just so different, so unpredictable, and the emotions in them felt so real.

It wasn't until CCS though that I got really into it. The last episode actually really left me hungry for more... Sailormoon never made me feel this way. I was desperate to know more about CCS, to get more info, to watch some more... and soon the world of anime just opened before me. I was captivated...

Lol!! Drama aside, anime has really made me a better person. I'm more open minded now... the things that used to bother me, bothers me no more. I love anime with a passion because it just makes me feel good and learn more...

I could go on, but I'm not really sure what to say so... Lol!

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Re: Why do you like manga and anime?
« Reply #7 on: August 27 2006, 04:01 am »
Well... here what I like about anime

I love the action and plotlines because they are very interesting and it can draw you in watching more and more which is good. And the 100 rules of anime are funny. The animation and art is very beautiful.. and the voices match perfectly! Also I love Japanese stuff too. ^^ The first anime I watched was CCS... I loved it because of what was in it and how concentrated it was.

Well... manga is pretty much what I said above
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