CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2

[TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia

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Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: Airashii on August 30 2006, 06:28 am ---That episode is so going to stink! Kereberos in Lecourt?! Why don't they put Yue also? Or that other Kero look-a-like?!

Anyway, this episode wasn't that bad, the animation was...good, but the music was excellent! I guess that if one could mention a plus of the anime version Tsubasa, you could say it's music. I love the music!

--- End quote ---
the purpose of putting kero in the ep is to real in mre ccs fans <.<

That's just stupid, Tsubasa and CCS are from completely different age groups. Kero in Tsubasa just doesn't fit, it'll be soooooo lame!

You know, the more I rewatch this episode (at least a part of it), the more I like it... I really love the part where they visit the place Syaoran and Sakura were in epi. 1, Sakura about to tell Syaoran she loves him. With that song in the background, it makes such a sad scene...I think the seiyuu of Sakura did splendid job when Sakura was saying she couldn't remember to whom or what she was trying to tell a person... and maybe it's just difference in animation but comparing the flashback Syao x Sakura and the "present" Syao x Sakura, the present Syao x Sakura seem much more.. grown up... but maybe that's just me...

I'm not looking forward to fillers.... fillers = bad... but they can't possibly  go to the end of season with fillers, can they? By the looks of it, they have to get to the next country...  has CLAMP be telling BeeTrain what happens next in the story? I mean for them to be able to include the next country, they must have had knowledge about it before the chapter release..

Sailor Yue-chan:
i douvt it, but perhaps beetrain has started to animate the tokyo arc, but we wont see it till far after ep 46 -_-
because THIS does NOT sound like X/Tokyo world AT ALL:

46. The Secret Art of Gokui
Hijutsu no gokui

yknow, i had a dream about TRC,... i was at wawa's and i was telling my best friend from highschool all about TRC, and the check out person butted in saying how much beetrain had ruined some point i talked about "the best filler arc by BT" and i think it was something about something wierd happneg to Fai (NOT THE EYE) looking at the dream...the "arc" i was talking about seems rather lame (im not saying what happened...just even DREAMING that i was praising the "good work" of BT is enmbarasing enough  :dodge:
i hope to god that BT doesnt ever come up with that idea. >_<

I expect they will save the Tokyo arc for series 3, so we should expect a few spoilers coming up to fill in the space...

as for episode 42...
ahhh the music was lovely! so excited about the 4th OST! *_*
Show content Well, honestly, I don't trust Bee train anymore, and I think its safe to say the anime will never live up to the manga.
However, I quite enjoyed the S&S parts in this episode regardless. My heart was in my mouth when Sakura saw Syaoran's house, and even more so after the flashback and he sits back down with her. (I think the music made it even more emotional) ^^;

The amount of flashbacks though... made me dizzy X_x
The amount of flashbacks made me dizzy X_X
The one we haven't seen though when Sakura gets her feather back. ;__; no Syaoran! just her talking to herself again. Do you ever think she wonders if she was crazy? sitting there having a one way conversation on her own ^^; lol

What annoys me is the animation has no flow to it. Its so rigid. It doesn't help that CLAMP chose such a tall thin style, but the animators fail to work with it as well in motion. It looks better on the page of a book.

Oh and... I thought Fye couldn't whistle?
Best thing was the music though... <3


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