CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
--- Quote from: Airashii on September 01 2006, 05:33 am ---What's the matter with it?
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One of his eyes is blue.
It isn't that blue, but still there's a hint of dark blue. *shruggs* Is Bee Train already giving hints?
Quite apart from anything else, the music in this episode took my breath away. I love the new FictionJunction song. I don't remember this part of the manga very well, but Show content I agree that there must have been some kind of lack of build up towards Fai using his magic in the anime. It didn't seem quite as climatic as it should. It could be partly because of the visual presentation - I believe Fai had his own page when using his magic in the manga, which kind of created this pause that doesn't exist in the anime.
Oh, and what was up with the next episode preview? o.O Are they inventing more Kurogane flashbacks, or something? I definitely see Souma (and I'm counting that as a plus).
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: Capella on September 01 2006, 12:43 pm ---Quite apart from anything else, the music in this episode took my breath away. I love the new FictionJunction song. I don't remember this part of the manga very well, but Show content I agree that there must have been some kind of lack of build up towards Fai using his magic in the anime. It didn't seem quite as climatic as it should. It could be partly because of the visual presentation - I believe Fai had his own page when using his magic in the manga, which kind of created this pause that doesn't exist in the anime.
Oh, and what was up with the next episode preview? o.O Are they inventing more Kurogane flashbacks, or something? I definitely see Souma (and I'm counting that as a plus).
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Show contentindeed. it was so ANGSTY when fai used it. his eyes were hidden and he had a sad smile.
the anime showed NO emotion during it.
as for the next episode, its lamey lamey lame!! from wht chibiyuuo said in the LJ, syaoran goes BCK into kuro's meory and where they got the book of meories when their wanted fugitives i dont know <.<
Sailor Yue-chan:
can someone translate NHK's summery for the next episode...i took it to's translater, and from the looks of it it talks about fai...atleast tell me wat the part about fai says ^^
speaking of which...if they even THINK about inserting the convo in ch 112 in that filler.... :angry: :cussing: :angry5: :evil1:
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