CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
BLARGH. Bad episode. (Refering to 17)
Show contentNot only did Fai grab the book, but Kurogane TOLD FAI ABOUT SYAORAN GOING ALL CLONE. That's not supposed to happen until TOKYO.
And secondly, when Syaoran gets trapped in the book again, they all KNOW that Syaoran's trapped in the book and watching Kurogane's memories. So why don't they take the book away?
In the flashbacks, Tomoyo looks REALLY fugly. And why the hell do the spirits of Kurogane's parents show up? ><
While it was nice to see Sai and Kaede more (they are such a cute couple), why did they spend the whole episode going after Syaoran-tachi only to let them take the feather without a fight? I agree with Becster- they got bored and wanted to go have sex.
BT is such a pain in the ***, they are destroying such a beautiful manga!
--- Quote from: Meowzy on September 03 2006, 05:19 am ---It is horrible. I swear, I nearly started to cry.
Then I rewatched the OOC scene and felt a strange feeling of queasiness in my stomach. ~_~
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What happened in the OOC scene?
--- Quote from: Jeannette on September 03 2006, 05:20 am ---Show content I agree with Becster- they got bored and wanted to go have sex.
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You know it >D
--- Quote from: Sandra-chan on September 03 2006, 05:26 am ---What happened in the OOC scene?
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Show contentFai apparently told Kurogane to let Syaoran read the book with his memories again. I'm not sure why though. So Kurogane tried to be sneaky by placing the memory book on a book Syaoran was reading before. He got caught by Sakura and hid behind the book. And... And... HE STUTTERED! In this really creepy, OOC, nervous and jumpy way... he stuttered!
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