CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
!? Weird... For the first what good would come out from Syaoran seeing even more of Kuroganes memories? I can't belive Kurogane agreed to that! And he stutter?! That will be weird seeing.
--- Quote from: Meowzy on September 03 2006, 05:36 am ---Show contentFai apparently told Kurogane to let Syaoran read the book with his memories again. I'm not sure why though. So Kurogane tried to be sneaky by placing the memory book on a book Syaoran was reading before. He got caught by Sakura and hid behind the book. And... And... HE STUTTERED! In this really creepy, OOC, nervous and jumpy way... he stuttered!
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--- Quote from: Sandra-chan on September 03 2006, 05:43 am ---!? Weird... For the first what good would come out from Syaoran seeing even more of Kuroganes memories? I can't belive Kurogane agreed to that! And he stutter?! That will be weird seeing.
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Bee Train definetly is not creative in making filler episodes, ther are the destroyers of anime! Kurogane stuttering, please! That's so lame! Kurogane isn't the type to stutter! :angry: I'm getting quite pissed!
I totally agree.
I wonder if Clamp have said anything about all of these crappy episode.
Oh, episode has finished downloading, but I'll probably wait until tomorrow to see it, even though it's not gonna be good I'll see it anyway.
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