CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 2
[TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
Its the anime, we have another 20 ep's to go for 2nd season to be over, so we could have 20 ep's of fillers, or we might get......shudders at the thought....Tokyo arc....
Just think of this as a bright side though, at least the voice's and sound tracks are good, and when the anime is decent, it fun to watch, just remebering the TRC epi on Crack, Yes, I like the manga more, but the anime is good to, I mean it could be worse right? I've seen worse drawing in anime, and plot holes rittled the whole thing, cough "Weiss Kreuz" cough, and yet it's got screaming fan girls & boys all over the world, so TRC isn't that bad.
It's about Kero-chan, no? *shudders*
--- Quote from: Airashii on September 03 2006, 07:31 am ---It's about Kero-chan, no? *shudders*
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Sailor Yue-chan:
i practicaly choked myself in reading your reveiws of the ep <_< it aint one im going to be watching. ill just read the review and save myself the trouble of getting sick lik i did in ep 39 :dodge:
bgtw...ep 21... はたらくサクラ | hataraku sakura
what does it translate to?
--- Quote from: mela on September 03 2006, 07:34 am ---Yep.
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Kero does not FIT IN TSUBASA!!!! EWWW, are they still going to be in Lecourt when he appears?
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