AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia  (Read 54194 times)

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #80 on: September 03 2006, 09:47 am »
Kero does not FIT IN TSUBASA!!!! EWWW, are they still going to be in Lecourt when he appears?
yes. according to what chibiyuuto says, what happensi nth te pisode is syaoran disapears while their sleeping, and while mokona goes searching for him, who should arrive and help but kero, who is visiting lecourt because its a magical country.....worstpart of the epside: A FEATHER CAUSE EVERYONE TO SHRINK.
now, yes sakura's feathers hold amazing powers, but usualy they only go awry if their in the wrong hands...alone their harmless.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #81 on: September 03 2006, 10:11 am »
Yeah, I saw the shrinking thing. Not only does Syaoran shrink, but the rest of the gang too.
However, at the end of ep 17, the gang LEAVES Lecourt. So the Kero ep can't be set there.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #82 on: September 03 2006, 01:39 pm »
i looked at the screen shots on the bloggy thing:

if stuff like that truely happened to kuro, im pretty certain he wouldnt have ended up becomming so ruthless
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #83 on: September 03 2006, 01:47 pm »
i practicaly choked myself in reading your reveiws of the ep <_< it aint one im going to be watching. ill just read the review and save myself the trouble of getting sick lik i did in ep 39 :dodge:

bgtw...ep 21... はたらくサクラ | hataraku sakura
what does it translate to?

I think that it can be translated this way ^^:

Episode 21: "Sakura come into play (action)" or "Sakura works"

*-* I cannot wait to see the Kero-chan and Mokona's episode XD
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #84 on: September 03 2006, 02:12 pm »
I think that it can be translated this way ^^:

Episode 21: "Sakura come into play (action)" or "Sakura works"

*-* I cannot wait to see the Kero-chan and Mokona's episode XD
*head slam*
 who  here thin,ls that its the idols episode? it IS the only time sakura ever truely did anything in the manga  :shifty:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #85 on: September 03 2006, 10:30 pm »
If it is the idols country, I'd be pretty happy. However, it'd mess up with the manga plot, since it was supposed to happen BEFORE Shura/Shara.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #86 on: September 03 2006, 10:53 pm »
However, it'd mess up with the manga plot, since it was supposed to happen BEFORE Shura/Shara.

... and they care about this since when? *sigh*

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #87 on: September 04 2006, 02:29 am »
... and they care about this since when? *sigh*

Indeed. They could still show Idols, though it will have lost its plot significance entirely now that we've already been through Shara/Shura. u_u
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #88 on: September 04 2006, 07:07 am »
I've just seen episode 17, and I wonder if anyone here understod what they said in the scene where Kurogane is told by Fai to give the book of memories to Syaoran? Because in my opinion it didn't seem like it was because he would see more of Kuroganes memories,  I don't understand why Kurogane would agree to that. Another thing I didn't understand was why the spirits of Kuroganes mom and dad appered..

Well overall I thought the episode was ok, I liked the song they played near the end by Maaya. Kurogane shutter was a little funny but at the same time very weird because thats something he would never do in the manga. And the next episode *sign* well atleast Kero seemed cute(it sounded like he had the same seiyuu as in CCS) but I don't really think he suits to be in tsubasa. And why do everyone have to shrink? Well we'll see...
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #89 on: September 04 2006, 07:33 am »
either Beetrain has some problems of paralysis,or else they are totally blind,because look at the huge contrast of skill between the face of Kurogane and Fai  :dodge: :

this is definitely a SPOILED work  :angry:!
it is not the first time that Kurogane looks ugly,and however according to the beautiful design of Fai,Beetrain CAN do a meticulous animation,but they are too lazy to concentrate their attention on EVERY characters  :shifty:

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #90 on: September 04 2006, 08:22 am »
either Beetrain has some problems of paralysis,or else they are totally blind,because look at the huge contrast of skill between the face of Kurogane and Fai  :dodge: :

this is definitely a SPOILED work  :angry:!
it is not the first time that Kurogane looks ugly,and however according to the beautiful design of Fai,Beetrain CAN do a meticulous animation,but they are too lazy to concentrate their attention on EVERY characters  :shifty:
indeed. why cant they do the same work for kuro? they did an awsome job on the close up cokercial bump (the one where he looks really really hot XP)
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #91 on: September 04 2006, 01:15 pm »
This is for episode 17, so hehe, I'm just waiting for CLAMP to pull a fast one on BeeTrain..
Spoiler for the joke, or whatever it is....

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CLAMP: "Look what bee train has done." All shakes their heads
Mokona, the person, not the white or black mujinbuns, gets and evil smile on her face.
"I know, lets bring Kuro's daddy back in the picture, after all we never did see a body. Hint hint."
The other three member's smile's widen with evilness.

Chapter 157, The one arm'd man--Kurogane's father alive!?

Bee Train reads latest Clamp Chapter of TRC. ".......Crap......ok, time for another filler on how Kurogane's father lived....some how......"

I just got board, and it would be cool if CLAMP did do that to spite BT....

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #92 on: September 07 2006, 08:40 am »
lemon tea chronicles for all 3 eps of lecourt is out

(not counting ep 43 as a lecourt ep )
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #93 on: September 07 2006, 08:56 am »
:XD: That was more entertaining than watching the actual episode.  From what I watched of the anime, it seems extremely slow....but plows through the actual canon quicker than it should.  They really should be in Tokyo already, but I fear that they'd jump ahead too far if they were.
« Last Edit: September 07 2006, 06:28 pm by nefadol »

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #94 on: September 24 2006, 10:04 pm »
So.... I've done this subtitles too.... It has the same avertisment like the first one (the subtitle is only decently not good or great).... Thanks for translation go to my sis again :P...And for all others to me :P :P :P... Enjoy!

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #95 on: September 25 2006, 06:07 pm »
cool thanks...might want to check your spelling next time tho ;)

as for what was said in FWR's layer...they gave something away WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too soon!!!
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Xing hoiu: "only thru them can we suprivise them," AAUUGH! they just gave it away T_T
stupid stupid STUPID BEETAIN!!

EDIT: but what fai says in the ruins makes up for it. ^^

« Last Edit: September 25 2006, 06:24 pm by Super Sailor Yue »
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #96 on: September 26 2006, 12:49 am »
Spelling, spelling and spelling again.... Of.... My english teacher said that too :(....The translasion isn't better than at the first, but I worked hard at effects and karaoke....... Of ... Sorry for spelling again....

Btw... I want to be from French.... the subtitles for the next episode are up from from friday 0_o

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #97 on: September 30 2006, 01:00 pm »
thanks for your translation!!! i just watched the episode.. you might wanan be more careful about your spelling.. ^^

it's messed up!!! why are they still doing in Leucourt?! what is mokona doing?!!?!

i love it when the evil syaoran appeared and kuro saud "who are you?" they wasted a bit of time with the front part though.. going to syaoran's house and having those flashbacks.. i wish the story would pogress faster i wanna see them in Tokyo!!!!

the mystery of kuro's mum's murderer is finally cleared up i was still wondering back in episode 40/41 that why didn't Syaoran tell him about the murderer.. i completely forgot about the filler episode where kuro already had a glimpse of the FWR's soldiers..

but the preview does show that we are going to know more about kurogane's past.. Syaoran is taking a look at kuro's past through the book again? but how is that possible especially when the book of memories is destroyed? (Syaoran took out the feather)

sorry i always like to compare the anime to the manga.. and feel that the manga is much better..

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #98 on: September 30 2006, 02:27 pm »
thanks for your translation!!! i just watched the episode.. you might wanan be more careful about your spelling.. ^^

it's messed up!!! why are they still doing in Leucourt?! what is mokona doing?!!?!

i love it when the evil syaoran appeared and kuro saud "who are you?" they wasted a bit of time with the front part though.. going to syaoran's house and having those flashbacks.. i wish the story would pogress faster i wanna see them in Tokyo!!!!

the mystery of kuro's mum's murderer is finally cleared up i was still wondering back in episode 40/41 that why didn't Syaoran tell him about the murderer.. i completely forgot about the filler episode where kuro already had a glimpse of the FWR's soldiers..

but the preview does show that we are going to know more about kurogane's past.. Syaoran is taking a look at kuro's past through the book again? but how is that possible especially when the book of memories is destroyed? (Syaoran took out the feather)

sorry i always like to compare the anime to the manga.. and feel that the manga is much better..
most of the manga readers hate the way the anime has geen done.

1 their still in lecourt because betrain wants to strech things out. maybe they didnt want an open ending in lecourt. (tho how they end it is bull crap) you COULD say that when mokona got electrocuted it screwed up his dimension thingy.

2 as for the explorations of CLOW...its not that bad an idea. its fanservice for the syaoran fans, all syaoran angst and all. plus the music along those lines <3

3 it seems lame that they waited till NOW for syaoran to remember the guards, but tis actualy also more logical. the ruins reminded syaoran instead of syaoran saying "o by the way..." or soemthing likethat. tho the way they mentioned the filler was stupid and kuro's miny-spaz was creepy O_o

4 as for the next episode: its really really stupid. fai suggest to kuro that they give syaoran the book again to try to see syaoran;s past, but it soem how ends up the other way around and syaor see's more kuro;s past that s LOADED with character rape and kuro-tomo shippyness.
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