AuthorTopic: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia  (Read 54180 times)

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[TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« on: August 27 2006, 01:30 pm »
Tsubasa Chronicle (Arc 2): Episode 16

This is the discussion topic for Episode 42 of TRC.

This episode is entitled: The Other Side of Nostalgia

-episode aired, topic unlocked

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #1 on: August 27 2006, 01:34 pm »
well as it was said in ep 15 thread...this ep is aparently severly seprate fom the manga, and they changed everyhtnig
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even how fai uses his magic :(
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #2 on: August 27 2006, 01:41 pm »
well as it was said in ep 15 thread...this ep is aparently severly seprate fom the manga, and they changed everyhtnig
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even how fai uses his magic :(

They didn't really change the act as much as it just felt like it was just
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Fai going like "O hay, I can whistle here's some magic so transport us Mokona lalala." There was no buildup to it or anything, I think, so it just felt like "Whatever, Fai's doing magic." rather than "HOLY CRAP!"

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #3 on: August 27 2006, 02:12 pm »
They didn't really change the act as much as it just felt like it was just
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Fai going like "O hay, I can whistle here's some magic so transport us Mokona lalala." There was no buildup to it or anything, I think, so it just felt like "Whatever, Fai's doing magic." rather than "HOLY CRAP!"
Exactly. It was totally anticlimatic and... just sort of 'Oh, okay. You just broke a promise that you had decided not to break even if you died. But whatever.' And the animation was at best... acceptable. Yeah, overall, not as bad as it could have been, but not good.

Though I suppose it will be mildly interesting to see what happens to LeCourt without its national treasure. Then again, if anything, I would rather see CLAMP write what happened to LeCourt, since they would actually make it good.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #4 on: August 27 2006, 02:49 pm »
the ep wasnt so bad. it had its plusses, but many minuses.
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the music. an AWSOME, sad insert song when syaoran was remembering the apple, and that Fiction Juntion YUUKA song, and one other. very nice.
and more kurofainess. (tho that moment at the end BETTER NOT BE THER CH 112 HEART TO HEART!!!)
the thing with tube syao moving at the same time as our syao, when syao went psycho...that ALMOST makes up for the lack of the nightmare <_<...almost)

the bad stuff:
*that wierd spazz thing that kuro did...that was just akward. not bad just...WIRED.
*i thought that even tho he couldnt MANIPULATE their journy...FWR could atleast still watch them,
*Tube Syao is just a little too young. he';s suposed to be teh same age as OUR syao by this time.
*As said, the use of fai;s magic was just too sudden.

err..was it just me, or were kuro's ears HUMONGUS?
heres a shot i took of a close up of him:
heres a shot i took from the season 1 flashback in the ep:

one last thing...can someone PLEASE make an animated gif of
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when mokona got electricuted
ill give you lots a cookies ^^[/s]

EDIT: NVM i made it myself ^^
« Last Edit: August 27 2006, 04:56 pm by Eternal Sailor Yue »
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #6 on: August 27 2006, 09:30 pm »
arigato Kuroppupy!!

mmm...isn't bad at all...but some Fai's expresions are weird...

Another filler next chapter...AARGGGHHHHHHHH

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« Last Edit: August 28 2006, 02:36 am by ishiyaki »

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #7 on: August 28 2006, 03:52 am »
It wasn't that bad... The way everyone was talking here, I was expecting horror-a-plenty.

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The whistling bit really wasn't that bad. I mean, sure, it was less suspenseful. But the animation looked nice and the whistling sounded awesome. Kurogane even made a comment about the whistling beforehand, so it wasn't all that bad.
Again, lots of nice music. I liked that.
Also, I liked how they referenced to that filler ep, where Kurogane was fighting the soldiers from Fei Wong. Yeah. That made the filler a bit more worth-while.

Animation, however. Brrr... Kurogane's ears seemed huge because his black hair was hidden in the darkness of the night. You cóuldn't tell where Kurogane's head ended and the sky started. >_>
The big wing logo in the basement of the ruins seemed much MUCH smaller in the flashback.
Fai seemed fat in the scene where he was holding the apple and explaining about the memories.

Why the HELL are they still in Lecourt? WHY?! Are they planning to NOT do the X arc at all this season?

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #8 on: August 28 2006, 04:14 am »
Maybe, BT is destroying my nerves...

But it would be great that ANOTHER STUDIO could make a 2nd movie about Tokyo with Kamui, Fuuma and all the characters in.
Kamui, be careful, BeeTrain is going to mess your episodes...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #9 on: August 28 2006, 04:22 am »
Yes, some one with the same Idea of making Tokyo in to a moive,
It wasn't that bad of an ep, they have to drag things on a bit so they don't get to CLAMP's current saga, which I think will be in season 3, because Le Quart is still around...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #10 on: August 28 2006, 04:30 am »
Finally i understood what seemed to me so wrong with
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using magic thing: they showed us Fai's eyes! In the manga his eyes were hidden at THIS moment, which was a sign of great angst, but here it's completely ruined   -_-

And i think his eyes looked strange :shifty:
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #11 on: August 28 2006, 05:07 am »
Finally i understood what seemed to me so wrong with
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using magic thing: they showed us Fai's eyes! In the manga his eyes were hidden at THIS moment, which was a sign of great angst, but here it's completely ruined   -_-

And i think his eyes looked strange :shifty:
your right. thats probably anothier thing that ruined it.

can someone please tell me what kuro and fai were talking about at the end...i dont want to have to wait for YGO to get off their asses and sub. please tell me that wasnt the heart to heart in ch 112 :(
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #12 on: August 28 2006, 05:20 am »
Thanks, Sailor Yue..Mokona getting
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makes it all worth while! :hehe: :hello2:

Oh, and it seemed to be the conversation from the beginning of the Tokyo Arc, where he says it is different than what he'd normally use...

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #13 on: August 28 2006, 05:25 am »
Thanks, Sailor Yue..Mokona getting
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makes it all worth while! :hehe: :hello2:

Oh, and it seemed to be the conversation from the beginning of the Tokyo Arc, where he says it is different than what he'd normally use...

indeed it was :lol:

and that's good i guess. they BETTER do ch 112 in the anime!! if they dont, ill stop watching the anime <.< theyve taken so much away from the manga readers...thatd be the las t straw
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #14 on: August 28 2006, 06:15 am »
One thing that's pretty interesting-
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Earlier  they had skipped over Syaoran seeing and realizing that the symbol on the soldiers was the same symbol from the sword that killed Kurogane's parents. So they have Syaoran realize in this episode, and tell Kurogane. And apparently Kurogane's all, 'Ah well, yeah, I realized that back when we saw them in that filler at the end of the first season.' So at least Kurogane's not a dumbass, but it robs the anime of such a dramatic point for Kurogane.
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #15 on: August 28 2006, 08:54 am »
One thing that's pretty interesting-
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Earlier  they had skipped over Syaoran seeing and realizing that the symbol on the soldiers was the same symbol from the sword that killed Kurogane's parents. So they have Syaoran realize in this episode, and tell Kurogane. And apparently Kurogane's all, 'Ah well, yeah, I realized that back when we saw them in that filler at the end of the first season.' So at least Kurogane's not a dumbass, but it robs the anime of such a dramatic point for Kurogane.
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ah right. that part in the manga, kuro had such a dark evil smirk on his face. thatd been cool to see it in the anime :(
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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #16 on: August 28 2006, 09:36 am »
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ah right. that part in the manga, kuro had such a dark evil smirk on his face. thatd been cool to see it in the anime :(

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #17 on: August 29 2006, 03:28 am »
I didn't think this episode was bad. I'm not gonna say I liked the changes, because I didn't.

But one thing I loooved was the music. It was sooo good, I loved it. I hope it's in 4th OST so we can listen to it ^_^

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nostalgia
« Reply #18 on: August 29 2006, 03:36 pm »
One of the parts that disapointed me this episode was when Mokona started to whisk them away after Fay did his thing...

... I loved the slightly shocked/freaked looks that Kuro and Syaoran had in the manga. Plus, Fay always looks pretty...see what I mean?

Anywho...pretty much like everyone was saying, no wow factorness.

It would be nice if Bee Train had a change of heart and shocked us all with their incredible version of the Tokyo Arc.....*snorts*

I wonder how long they plan on making this season...and if they think they can cram the whole next arc in.  Would it be 26-ish episodes again for this season?

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Re: [TRC Arc 2] Episode 16: The Other Side of Nos
« Reply #19 on: August 29 2006, 04:27 pm »
One of the parts that disapointed me this episode was when Mokona started to whisk them away after Fay did his thing...

... I loved the slightly shocked/freaked looks that Kuro and Syaoran had in the manga. Plus, Fay always looks pretty...see what I mean?

Anywho...pretty much like everyone was saying, no wow factorness.

It would be nice if Bee Train had a change of heart and shocked us all with their incredible version of the Tokyo Arc.....*snorts*

I wonder how long they plan on making this season...and if they think they can cram the whole next arc in.  Would it be 26-ish episodes again for this season?
indeed that is an awsome shot pf those 3. i think the aniem gave is a half second shot of the looks on their faces <.<

the season is set for 26 episodes. and lecourt is being dragged out till ep 44, leaving 8 episodes fortokyo...if they dont plan on any more crap fillers. now, they did outo in 9 episodes making outo the best arc last season,  8 episodes sems to be a nice number for tokyo, but since tokyo is JUST wrapping up in the manga, i see atlesst 3 more crap fillers befor tokyo :shifty: either tha, or drag tokyo out, and make the season end on a cliff hanger...
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possibly the mind numbing cliffy of ch 120 >_<

but i hope too mich. their most likely going to give us 3-5 more peices of garbage3 filled crap episodes.

inddeed i seem to be right about the fillers >_> accrding to ANN, the folowing 2 eps after the kero ep are:

45.  The Second Trial
Nidome no Kunan

46. The Secret Art of Gokui
Hijutsu no gokui

they dont sound one iota like any thing happening in Tokyo V_V
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