CLAMP's Famous Works > Cardcaptor Sakura
Ever get picked on for liking CCS?
I never got picked on for liking CCS by my mother (i inherited her obsession for asian and mainly japanese things).
a few months back...
Me: *watching CCS 2nd movie in the living room*
Mom: *enters* are you watching that one ...again?!
Me: Yup! *happy face*
Mom: How many times?
Me: this would be the 100th time, hehe
Mom: must be good movie then *sits down in front of the tv*
half a hour later we're watching the scene where Sakura confesses and Syaoran doesn't say anything...
Mom: Say something you stupid kid! (i think she is a S&S supporter as well ^^)
Me: whoa! relax mom!
a few minuters later the credits come....
Mom: it was a good movie
Me: now i just need to get the other movie
Mom: warn me when you have it, i want to see that one too.
Me: sure!
^ that is my mom, but some kids at school.....sheesh!
Me: *watching CCS on the pc in school, and some guy walks by*
guy: *looks at Sakura fighting against Storm Card* It looks like Dragonball Z
Me: *almost dies of shock*
guy: what?
Me: *gives the guy the biggest Syaoran death-glare you've ever seen*
guy: *quickly walks away*
and some people just say it's stupid when i tell them about it.....
I've been picked on for liking CCS even though i'm in college now. but i really don't care a lot since they can never understand.
^ Well I'm already working, and having a wallpaper of Syaoran kissing Sakura and a CCS Sakura pin on your bag is something to raise your eyebrows about. The girls in the office love the waallie, though. :XD:
^ yeah, if that was me in your office then I would normally react like that too - and pounce on you shouting "Oh good! Another die-hard fanatic like me!!!"
i don't get picked on... but some of my friends find it a bit "childish" that i like CCS. they don't say anything bad about it tho... they just give me a "you're still into THOSE kind of stuff" face.
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