General Discussions > Chains Board

up ^, left <, down v - game

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older members probably knows how this game works.. for those who doesn't i'll explain:

the '^' thingy: just like in the user game (say something about the person above you)
the'<' thingy: say something about yourself
the 'v' thingy: guess something about the person below you...

 ^ is blah blah blah
 < is really blah blah blah
 V is blah blah blah?

get it? i'll start:

< has exams next week
v is going to have exams next week too?

^ is wrong about that
< is gonna change his set to a CoudXRen one
v is also gonna change set?

(i remember this game ^^)

^ is going to change set (so, Fate obsession is not that high anymore?)
< just changed set so, won't change for a while
v are you long enough in CW to remember this game? :lol:

Konata Izumi:
^ yes, I might stick a while
< likes pie :lol:
V is a very kind and beautiful girl... :lol:

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^seems to have guessed wrong...and makes me think he's a girl because of his name...
<has been bad-tempered recently...
v is somehow loving his/her life...


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