General Discussions > Chains Board

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^ Puerto Rico is US property, so yes, I'm from US
< Loves vampires
v Likes vampires too?

^ lives in puerto rico
< kuro_woof-chan loves vampires!!! me me loves vampires!! :lol: :inlove:
v do you hate living chickens? :laughing4:

^ ummm i don't really hate living chickens...but i don't exactly luv them either :tongue3:
< is feeling really depressed and confused atm
v loves xxxHolic better than Tsubasa Chronicles

^ Nope, I love TRC more than xxxholic
< Wishes she could have money to buy some mangas.
v Is a fan of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

^ i've never heard of, so no i'm not a fan
< is not looking forward to school tomorrow...
V is a major j-pop fan


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