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^ i prefer to Hyuu  :haha:
> i wonder if we will have snow this year in france  :keke:
v do you like making snow man  :wink:?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^we don't even have yuki here... T.T
<is a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh
vis a moderator?

^ Iie, how can I be? :lol:
< Ish bored and tired of waiting for Hunter X Hunter: OVA 2 to be downloaded.. -_-
v Hash no classes/work at the moment?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
<had a half-day today
vhas a sem break?

^nooo T.T
<stressed this week. even my friends says i looked blew up -_-
v is going to snow this year?


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