General Discussions > Chains Board

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^ i don't even know how to ski  :sweatdrop:
> i always go to sea during spring holiday  :okay:
v do you prefer snow or sea  :keke:?

^ sea
< wants to kill dial up but can't
v almost cried coz of the internet?

^ yes,and even screamed of rage  :angry:
> loneliness is our worse enemy  :(
v are you often alone  :sweatdrop:?

^ yes? since my parents are always out of the house ( -_- and i don't consider my brother to be really in our house since he's always sleeping.. and i despise him)
< is listening to Yokan right now
v know the jrock band Dir en Grey?

^ only the name  :sweatdrop:
> i'm addicted to Prison Break  :okay:
v do you know this serie  :keke:?


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