General Discussions > Chains Board

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Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^heard of it, but haven't watched it
<listening to local songs
vwhere are you right now?

^ alone in the darkness of my bedroom  :sweatdrop:
> i don't want to live like a burden  :dodge:
v would you be ready to sacrifice your life for someone you care  :surprised:?

^ ack! >.< i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-its....a hard question!!! no!!i cant answer!! :cry:
>*sigh* everytime want to open xxxholic files,always hang!! :angry:
v knows how to solved my problem?   :icon_pirat: (tell me or i call Captain Jack Sparrow!! :haha:)

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^ gomen ne...I don't know...
<is confused about Robin Sena's survey...
v is busy?

^ unfortunately yes,because of my work,that's why it has becoming hard to come often on the forum,i'm going to miss a lot of things  -_-
> at the moment i have some difficulties with my superior hierarchy  :shifty:...
v do you think that working is good for health  :sweatdrop:?


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