General Discussions > Chains Board

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^ Depends of what kind of work it is!!
> I'm starting to remember the birthday of my mom's friends!!! >.<!!!
v do you prefer sleeping or doing exercise? n.n

^ hahahaha, that's a obvious question for me, sleeping
>has a LOT OF homework
V is listening to music?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^ a song's playing in my head, but I'm not listening to anything... :sweatdrop:
< is supposedly doing her math homework
v is too addicted to something?

^yes, too addicted to [strike]crack[/strike] Tsubasa
^ Will find out today if she passed ot failed the first part of her uni course
< is eating right now?

^ nah,no...
>is updating her fanfiction! ^_^
v already read my fanfiction??? ^_^;;


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