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^ sorry but no,i didn't even know that you were writting fanfictions  :sweatdrop:
> you should send me the link,i woul be more than happy to comment them  :keke:
v are you fed up of seeing topics for new chapters open too early because of spoilers  :shifty:?

^Yeah a little,( it's hard to avoid spoilers in those treads)
> I really hope the scans for TRC 134 come soon
v Is waiting for the new chapter too?

^ i'm not as thrilled as before since for now there is no KuroFainess  :sweatdrop:
> Kurogane and Fai are no making any attempt to talk to each other  :dodge:...
v who do you think is the most annoying because of his i-couldn't-give-a-damn attitude  :shifty:?

^ umm... me?
< obsessed at Vampire Knight *points set*
v do you think it's weird that i changed my set to something unrelated to KuroFai?

^ not really since my set too has nothing to do with TRC  :haha:
> my set is about Suikoden for those who hadn't yet realized  :sweatdrop:  :okay:
v how often do you change your set  :wink:?


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