General Discussions > Chains Board

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^ the latest chappie of VK is ch. 21
< not yet.. i haven't read TRC ch. 135... does it have KF moments?
v who is your fave VK character?

^ I'm not familiar with VK...
< not inspired to write my fanfic lately...
v what's for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

^some cheese,,tomatoes and potatoes...
< I'm reading "Tristan & Isolt"
v Do you like flowers??

^ Yup.
< Still hasn't finished his fanfic T_T. Must work double-time...
v Got any fanfics on the works?

OMG This thread actually survived?! :XD:

^ nope lol I suck at writing
< is working on new icon banner set
v can draw?


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