General Discussions > Chains Board

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Konata Izumi:
^not really, although utada hikaru dragged me into j-pop, I'm gonna stick with pure rock. :P
< Is addicted to rock music
V Plays O2Jam (*useless plug plx* *end of useless plug*) :lol:

^ not really,i don't even know how to whistle  :sweatdrop:
> is trying to understand clearly the game to avoid stupid mistakes  :haha:
v would like to go to japan  :wink:?

^ One of my goals in life XD
< Is planning to change her set and something...
v Are you sick with work/school?

^ yeah,especially when i go back to work tomorrow,this is my last holiday day  :dodge:
> wants to buy Suikoden 5  :keke:
v do you like the video game Suikoden  :wink:?

^ one of the best!! me loves riou and Joei!!! (suikoden 2)
< is very sleepy
v is sleepy too?


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