General Discussions > Chains Board

up ^, left <, down v - game

<< < (6/29) > >>

^ we don't have cable so... no.. ^^;;
v is hppy about that too?

^ O_O For real!? XD We gotta celebrate, KF fans!
< ish pretty tired
v Ever heard of a sonnet?

Konata Izumi:
^ Likes gensomaden sayuki

< Might change his sig to a sugar, saga + sakura sig (Sugar, saga and sakura... hmmm..... :lol:)

V Loves sugar, a little snow fairy :lol:

^ not really
< can't log in in MSN in teh PC im using :cry: (what if big bro is OL? this PC has a webcam)
v is sleepy?

^ nope, hyped! XD
< downloading MSLN A's (courtesy of Kuro-puppy's site, big thanks! :noteworthy:)
v ish doing something important?


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