General Discussions > Chains Board

up ^, left <, down v - game

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^ correct about that
< is listening to Shakugan drama cd's ^_^
v is bored?

--- Quote from: .:sightless:. on August 30 2006, 04:54 pm ---is going to change set (so, Fate obsession is not that high anymore?)

--- End quote ---

haha, my Fate obsession is still as strong as ever! ^_^

i just feel like it's time to revive one of my old obsessions, CoudXRen!

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^guessed wrong...I'm rather sleepy
<don't want to go to school anymore... T_T
v loves Tamaki?

^ has a nice username
< doesn't even know who Tamaki is
v loves KuroFai?

^ Absolutely
< Listening to Daisuke Namikawa's song
v Is too listening to some j-pop?

^ nope
< is watching the World Equestrian Games and now very sad because one German rider got his horse hurt
v is from US?


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