General Discussions > Chains Board

up ^, left <, down v - game

<< < (11/29) > >>

^ yes! im a KuroFai fan!!!
< *dies*
v knows the rock band Dir en Grey?

^ Not exactly.. Just heard of them...
< Hasn't been online lately... -__- PC broke
v Is a fan of HxH: Greed Island - Final?

^ is wrong.i don know the pairings
< is having a problem!!help!!
v likes to draw??

^ yessu! i like to draw a lot!
< is obsessed with Toshiya and Nao
v watches Full metal panic?

OT: tsubasaHime-san, HxH is not a pairing.. it's an anime.. HunterxHunter ^_^

oh gomen... i remember today (HxH)

^ is wrong...
< is really happy!!
v want to learn Japanese??


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