General Discussions > Chains Board

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^ yessie!!
> is...a little kid that is 11 years old...
v is kinda obsess with death note???

^ haven't watched the series yet..
< is obsessed with ichijou (a character from Vampire knight) that looks like Fai
v knows the manga Vampire Knight?

^ no but i'm obsessed by knights!(it's because of video games  :sweatdrop:)
> has some difficulties to find a anime in "W" in the "anime and comics A-Z" game  -_-
v what do you think of the "video games A-Z" game topic  :keke:?

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^I think it's wonderful :keke:
<has currently turned dark because of Death Note
v is sleeping late?

^ it seems that this question was made for me,i never have more than five hours of sleep because either i'm on the computer,or else i'm playing video games  :sweatdrop:
> i should be more careful about my health  :shifty:
v do you take good care of you  :keke:?


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