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Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^erm...I think so...but my parents don't think so...
<has writer's block
vis a fanfic writer?

^used to be
<is really worried
v is staying up all night?

^ i don't know... :XD:late for me is 3-4 early is 11-12pm
< is really angry and annoyed///
v says bad words when really angry?

^ i try as much as i can to hold back my bad words because if i release them i would be uncontrollable  :sweatdrop:
> i'm always hiding my sadness  :sad5:...
v are you suffering deep inside your heart  :(?

^ yes because of dial-up :XD:
< my classmates said when i cry, they don't pity me instead they think i'm funny! :XD:
v likes to meow?


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