Dramatic Syao... Now I haven't seen that piece in ages! Been a long time since I read that particular scene in the manga...

And I must say, your set is very eye-catching; although there's something bothering me... The picture in the middle of your set (Syaoran reading the book).. Well, I think (slightly) it's out of place... I mean the effects, that is.
Plus, you might wanna add some brushes to that image to show that Syaoran is being dramatic/expressive in his feelings there...
Well, it's just a tip.. Don't really want to change your point of view..

Still, it's a great set

Note: Creating just one thread for new sets is a nice idea. Saves a lot of space and trouble deleting/moving into the archive for the mods

Another note: If you'd like, drop your opinion about my current set on my thread in the Test Board... I need comments! ;__;