General Discussions > Chains Board

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^ yesh! we can contact each other here! YAY!!! finally i'll meet them! i'll meet them!! eme-chan! eme-chan!!! sayu-san! sayu-san!!!

Hikari B.:
^ Is kurowoof.

^ Must be a rabid Furuba fan :keke:

--- Quote from: ~Forgiver's Sign~ on November 03 2006, 01:25 pm ---^ yesh! we can contact each other here! YAY!!! finally i'll meet them! i'll meet them!! eme-chan! eme-chan!!! sayu-san! sayu-san!!!

--- End quote ---

XD Hehe.. You're really excited there

^ must go to the HERO con! YOU MUST! YOU MUST!

^ is really excited right now!!! ^_^


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