General Discussions > Chains Board

User Game

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Robin Sena:
^Hehehehe... you can request a reset if you want to.

^Is surprised about the Persona Status.

Anyway, all Tenshi (Angel) Orders all aim to be a Daitenshi (Highest Angel Order).

Requires a massive EXP limit though.

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^ exactly do you do that...? because...I'm actually dark... :sweatdrop:

^Has three stars below her name.

Robin Sena:
^Is analyzing her posts

Kina - Takes quite a while though, and sometimes I can (or will) get the wrong results because of that.

Heh, so you want to be a High Order Demon instead? It's ok.

^ doing a survey that i don't really understand ^^:;


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