General Discussions > Chains Board

User Game

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^ has a inkblot for an avi.

^ wha'ts inkblot?

Hikari B.:
^ It's actually a dancing girl in her avvie... Smudged so it looks like an inkblot.

Inkblot: Err... Spot of ink?

^ haven't seen her for a while now

@sayu: HUWAAT?!?!??!! why? why can't you come?
@tenkou-san: no i won't cosplay... too expensive

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^has changed sets...

woof-chan & tenku-san: gotta go to the doctor for a parents want to do it on next Sunday because my it's father's day off, and I can't move this check-up to next Saturday since I'll need to study for a long test on next Monday... talk about having your schedule cramped by people who don't care about what you want...


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