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^ is getting ready for a fight X3

--- Quote from: Robin Sena on November 18 2006, 04:37 pm ---Higher Levels = More Persona to get!

Not to mention getting those sought after demons!

^kuro-puppy - A Seijuu (Ritual Gods ftw!)

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: ~Bloody_Rose~ on November 18 2006, 04:46 pm ---^ made big bro a god (and i'm a demon caster) :XD: we're enemies, big bro! XD get ready for a fight!

--- End quote ---

i don't really get it but it sounds cool ^^

prepare yourself! *summons the Book of Darkness and readies himself for combat* X3

Robin Sena:
I should really put the details on the RPG boards.

^Is ready to delve into the Persona world.

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^seems ready to put the details on the RPG boards...

I'm under Kuro-puppy's command?

Robin Sena:
^Is wondering about Demon Hierarchy.

Nope, you aren't under kuro-puppy's command.

At one time, many LV70+ Personas are led by a LV35 Shikigami! (Hence why Shikigamis are very popular)

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
^ knows what Shikigamis are...

erm...are the Shikigamis those that summon demons, or am I talking about Shinigamis? What are Shikigamis and Shinigamis? I'm confused.... o.O


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