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^ Ooo.. i'm confused too

--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on November 18 2006, 05:05 pm ---i don't really get it but it sounds cool ^^

prepare yourself! *summons the Book of Darkness and readies himself for combat* X3

--- End quote ---
hah! you summoned book of darkness? *evil laugh* HAHAHAHAHA!!! i'm a demon caster! you'll just strenghten me! :laughing4:

^ is confused

--- Quote from: ~Bloody_Rose~ on November 18 2006, 09:47 pm ---hah! you summoned book of darkness? *evil laugh* HAHAHAHAHA!!! i'm a demon caster! you'll just strenghten me! :laughing4:

--- End quote ---

Book of Darkness is a magic item in MSLN A's that enables the user to cast dozens of different magic spells ranging from light, dark, lightning, petrification, etc

so i think it would be pretty darn effective against demons with its light spells X3

but i don't know the rules of this game so it's probably not allowed to use magical items from anime'sĀ  :(

--- Quote from: Robin Sena on November 18 2006, 08:04 pm ---I should really put the details on the RPG boards.

^Is ready to delve into the Persona world.

--- End quote ---

where can i find this Persona world thingy?

Robin Sena:
Kuro-puppy - Well, it's allowed! Since you guys need all the help you can get! You're fighting against people against your cause or even gods!

^Wondering when Persona RPG begins. Very soon!

^ says that Persona RPG will start soon ^_^

(Book of Darkness and its guardian knights ftw!)

Robin Sena:
^Is pumped!

I'm worried though. (a bit worried) I hope it works.


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