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^ Is that a Neopet gif? O.o

Robin Sena:
^still has two souls.

Haruhi - Isn't that annoying?

Yumi - So what do call this situation we're in?

Møon Li:

--- Quote from: ~Emethyst~ on March 26 2007, 09:43 pm ---^ Is that a Neopet gif? O.o

--- End quote ---
Nope... or dunno XD LOL... is a Pokémon, I don't really like that anime but when I saw one chapter with my nephew, I liked that yellow thing called Ampharos...

^Has 13cookies ^^

^ Great Graphic Designer 8D

--- Quote from: Møon Li on March 27 2007, 03:18 pm ---Nope... or dunno XD LOL... is a Pokémon, I don't really like that anime but when I saw one chapter with my nephew, I liked that yellow thing called Ampharos...

--- End quote ---

Oh... I see ^^"

^ Promised to make me a set. (begs) I want one from Ougon Kishi Garo :XD:.


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