CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions
Chapter 128
Okay, I want those spoilers to be true so badly.
Show contentSakura fighting (and killing) something would me more kinds of awesome than I can count. *__* And a message from Sei-chan to Subaru...intriguing...I wouldn't be surprised if it were a cliffhanger, either. >.< Hm, if Mokona starts talking to real!Syaoran, maybe we'll get more info on him?
Zettai daijoubu:
i was thinking.. whether Tokyo is the world in X that was destroyed.. well, it looks pretty destroyed..
--- Quote ---i was thinking.. whether Tokyo is the world in X that was destroyed.. well, it looks pretty destroyed..
--- End quote ---
I thoguht of the same thing, or at least, it had something of the same sort of fate, but all of those X/1999 characters wouldn't still be alive..dunno, something similar might have happned though with the Dragons of Heaven and Earth but I figured it had already been mentioned. *shrugs* It hasn't?
I don't think so, that world just 'similar' to Tokyo in X even the characters are the same , but that's all, so it has nothing to do with the original X
Yeah, some of those X characters in TRC are already dead in X so it's definitely not the same one. It's just kinda a "What If:" world to show everyone what would have happened if the Dragons of Earth won.
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