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I also wonder, if perhaps, Clamp is trying to show that while C!S was a wonderful "knight in shining armor"...perhaps he was stifling Sakura's own desires and abilities to stand up for herself. Or perhaps, it is his loss that caused her to really stand up.
I never thought of it in this way but it could be true, she had no need to stand up for herself when she had C!S.
All in all I agree with everyone who said Sakura looks the most beautiful in this chapter that she has ever been in Tsubasa - determined look suits her better than the dreamy-cute one. It just came to me now but at the moment purely by where all the characters are and how they have appeared in the chapters, Sakura would make a better pair with R!Syao, for Our!Syao was always (despite the selfless (obsessive) protectiveness) at the same time quite naive, as was the "old" Sakura.
Of the "awakening" of her (also mentioned here before) the line "Please tell me what happened up until now." gave a sign to me, she is taking initiative and control and responsiblity of knowing. It's always so easy to be oblivious, she chose otherwise this time.
Fai on the rock

Since I have not read X, the dynamics do drift by me in a large degree in this chapter but I have picked up something from the latest chapter discussion threads to half-squee.
Ok, if Sakura is now off, there is time for the talk of Yuuko, Kuro and R!S, all together or separately or whatever.