CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Did you stopped watching the TRC anime?

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Wow, this last two episodes hae been kinda boring, no?

I refuse to watch fillers, but the series ones can be worse at times too. I'll give Tokyo a chance then see - hopefully the production team will be a good kicking and improve.

We all hope that that can be true

I'm just waiting to see how they plan to put the series back on track.  It's always an amusement to see anime's try to right themselves :p

Embarrassing, but amusing.

And, hey.  Maybe these fillers are just a way their energy so they can make the Tokyo arc amazing.

Yea.  Let's go with that ^^;;

I just watch it because I love seeing how freaking ridiculous the fillers get. This latest one was quite the worthy of a  "WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING?!"


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