CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

The ultimate battle *insert dramatic music*

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I'd consider it a tie. If Fai could be talked into fighting properly, that is. They have very different fighting styles, which I think makes it more even, though possibly less exciting. Fai's magic operates on long range, and Kurogane's sword techniques (in proper anime style) also do so, so the difference in their physical strengths wouldn't come into play as much. Fai's dodging would make it difficult for Kurogane to engage him at close range, I believe. If they can hit each other at all, the battle would still be more a matter of endurance than anything else, which I think would lead to a tie/draw.

Even though i believe Fai may be stronger than Kuro, i still can't imagine them fighting seriously - aiming to hurt/kill each other.  Their feelings wouldn't let them! Unless one were to lose his mind (oh what a drama!)! And then (in MY opinion) the other would either let himself be hurt, or avoid badly injuring his friend. And if they really had to fight, they would make it tie (i think ep 16 was absolutely GENIOUS with that idea), or one of them would lose on purpose. Yeah, something like that :heh:
So my answer is "a tie"

You know, I also think they'd never hurt each other out of his free will - but I was merely thinking about who's fighting skills would be better if they both tried their hardest ^_~ So this is more about "Who fights better?" than "What would happen if they had to fight?"

Tie.  Clothes would start being ripped off during the battle from all the attacks and then both would forget everything about fighting.


--- Quote from: Rekall on September 18 2006, 02:35 am ---Tie.  Clothes would start being ripped off during the battle from all the attacks and then both would forget everything about fighting.

--- End quote ---
xd Best reasoning yet. Agreed.


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