CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions

Chapter 130

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--- Quote from: Smile_For_Me on September 28 2006, 07:07 am ---Did anyone notice
Show contentThe thing that Sakura gets is in the middle of a pond looking thing? Isn't the water acid?

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Show content that thing is an egg that will relatedto xxxHolic ch 120 , and about the water surounding that you mention it,  but it might be not acid, since with all the trouble for Sakura, I don't think CLAMP will make it harder for Sakura.....and if it does.....-_-...The weirdest thing is that how could in place like that there is an egg..?

Ugh.. that nail-thing made me flinch.. at least CLAMP is keeping it real- she has to get some scrapes, right?
Well.. the metal-rod through her leg did seem a little farfetched to me.. I had to agree with Mela.
I guess CLAMP wan'ts us to know how much she wanted to help and how much Fye meant to her, this is the only way to show it, and if taht means pain, I guess she's embrasing it pretty well too.
Go Sakura!~ (Finally CLAMP made her cool again)

It's been too much angst lately... so!
Even if I'm a die-hard KuroFyeist (yay!) I couldn't resist making some Fye-mommy + Sakura-daughter moment.
Come on! Fye IS Sakura's motherly figure xD
Details inside ;D (click on image to enlarge)

Why did you have to point out the fingernail part?!  :shudders:

I can handle eyes stabbed, bodies torn apart, rods shoved into people's legs, but fingernails bother me? >_>

Show contentThat egg will produce the cutest thing ever...

It's a freakin' peep!  It's extremely small though, fits in Watanuki's hand.  At least it means that Sakura will make it back to Mokona, though she's probably going to be feeling like utter crap.

Heh...CLAMP. I didn't think that they would put Sakura through this much her first time doing the...dirty work.  I'm looking forward to the big talk the group is going to have about FWR and the clone.

Anywho! I read this chapter early this morning, so I've had a good long while to think about the KuroFayness of it all.

All I can say is: wont it be fun when Fay needs to feed for the first time? Hopefully, he can go awhile without needing Kuro's blood, so that the scene gets to be all shocking and CLAMP can spoil us when the time comes.

My short idea of the scene when it happens (purely crazed fangirl ramblings, mind):
Show contentSo, Fay is weakened, maybe alone in his room where ever they happen to end up. Kuro walks up behind him, commenting on Fay's state. Fay's reply will of course be something along the lines of "I don't know what you mean/I'm fine/its just something temporary" just to make Kuro go away. Kuro will snort and bring them into the subject of what Fay needs, perhaps getting into the subject about Fay and his avoiding things. May mention Ashura-ou.  And then, when Fay refuses/denies, Kuro will call him a coward. Or something along those lines. Fay will snap a bit, and because everyone wants to see Fay angry, he will lash out at Kuro. More talking...Maybe Kuro will bring out Fay's vampire nature and...Hmph, I'm just being random. But I still can't wait till CLAMP gets to that part.
End my insane ramblings....

O_O   I just read the chapter.  Woah.

The fingernails don't bother me that much.  Really doesn't.   Actually, I find that when CLAMP explodes/dismembers body parts that make me not want to look that much.  Glad that CLAMP's giving Sakura quite a work out climbing that thing.  I think I'd slip all the way down and not even think of using my nails to dig into that wall. 

Show contentYay!  Fai woke up.  ^_^  Haha..  When he said "Kurogane" though, it kind of chilled me a little because usually, we would be use to Fai calling Kurogane nicknames.

Yuuko, once again, has to remind us about Fai's pain and that if he's sad, everyone else is sad.   Where is CLAMP going with this theme?   Hmmmmmmm....


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